Pietà and St. Dominic Columbaria

Encircling the Pietà statue in the newer section of Calvary Cemetery, the Pietà Columbaria were erected in 2007 and contain 716 individual niche spaces for cremated remains. Also in the new section of Calvary Cemetery is the St. Dominic Columbarium. It was erected in 2015 and contains 96 individual niche spaces.
Niches are an above-ground alternative to in-ground burial for cremation urns. Each niche space cover is inscribed with the name and dates of the individual laid to rest there.
Cremation niches are offered with an all-inclusive price that includes the space, engraving of the name and dates, and the opening and closing of the space. Veterans are also able to be honored with a bronze military emblem on their niche, memorializing their service to our country.
Contact a family service advisor at 207-773-5796 to learn more. You may also stop by the cemetery office at 1561 Broadway in South Portland. Look for the low, stonewall entrance with the statue of Jesus. Our office is open Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.