Hospital Ministry
“When we come together, with tenderness, with those who have need of care,
we carry the hope and the smile of God." - Pope Francis
The Office of Institutional Chaplains directs the chaplains who serve in all the hospitals and correctional institutions operating in the state of Maine. If you have a question for the office, please contact the Diocese of Portland at 207-773-6471. Please visit the Office of Health Care Ministry, Archdiocese of Boston for several publications with concern to chaplaincy (
Directory of Chaplaincy Services
MaineGeneral Medical Center, Alfond Center for Health
Lay Catholic Chaplain: Mr. Peter Czerwinski
Tel: 207-626-1254
Riverview Psychiatric Center
207-624-3900 or 1-888-261-6684
Northern Light Acadia Hospital
Tel. 207-973-7000
Dorothea Dix Psychiatric Center:
Tel. 207-262-1000
Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center:
Father Michael Adebote, SMA Tel. 207-973-7000
St. Joseph Hospital
Father Alou Pilizue, SMA
Sr. Mary Edmund, CSSF, Tel. 207-262-1000
St. Andre Health Care Facility:
Anne Theriault, Tel. 207-282-5171
Southern Maine Medical Center:
Janice Biasin-Hanson, Pastoral Care Office, 207-294-5300
Central Maine Medical Center
Pastoral Care Department
Fr. Arockiasamy Santhiyagu, HGN; Tel. 207-795-2291
Fr. Joseph Jum
St. Mary's Regional Medical Center, St. Mary's d'Youville Pavilion & St. Mary's Residences
Lead Priest-Chaplain: Father Arockiasamy Santhiyagu, HGN
Director of Spiritual Care & Chaplaincy Service: Mr. Charles Demm, Ph.D.
John Baugher
Lisa Watson-Hill
Tel. 207-777-8520 (Medical Center Pastoral Care Office)
Tel. 207-777-4260 (St. Mary's d'Youville Pavilion Pastoral Care Office)
Maine Medical Center:
Tel. 207-662-2951
Father Amandus Sway, AJ
Father Kevin Upham
Mr. Michael Vaughn
Northern Light Mercy Hospital:
Tel. 207-879-3358 or 207-879-3744
Father Paul R. Marquis
Sr. Patricia Mooney, RSM
Father Amandus Sway, AJ
Togus VA Medical Center
Department of Veterans Affairs
Father Jacob C. George