Elder Services
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland is committed to offering support and comfort to those seeking services and assistance in the care of elderly. In this section, you will find a list of potential housing options, and descriptions of support services including non-denominational Catholic Charities programs like S.E.A.R.C.H. (Seek Elderly Alone, Renew Courage & Hope), which promote independent living for elderly and disabled people in Maine.
Elder Services offered through Catholic Charities Maine
Independent Support Services
This program helps people who are physically unable to complete their own homemaking tasks, including seniors and those with disabilities, to live independently in their own homes. Independent Support Services provide two hours per week of homemaking services including light housekeeping, laundry, meal planning/preparation, essential errands/escorted transportation, and incidental personal care. Services can be provided through the self-direct option or an agency homemaker.
RSVP (Retired & Senior and Volunteer Program) Project
RSVP is an AmeriCorps Seniors program in Kennebec and Somerset sounties. RSVP recruits volunteers age 55 and older to support seniors through CCM’s SEARCH program. RSVP volunteers will also be helping at local food pantries and providing public health training and education in the coming year.
S.E.A.R.C.H. (Seek Elderly Alone, Renew Courage & Hope)
S.E.A.R.C.H. connects isolated seniors in Androscoggin, Franklin, Lincoln, Kennebec, Oxford, Sagadahoc, and Somerset Counties, as well as in the Bath/Brunswick and Harpswell areas with community volunteers who bring skills, enthusiasm, and companionship to their lives, while assisting with a variety of daily tasks.
Senior Housing in the Diocese of Portland
The Diocese of Portland owns or operates senior affordable housing at six locations across the state: Augusta, Bangor, Portland, Rockland, Sanford, and Waterville. A list and contact information is available here.