Lifelong Faith Formation Association (LFFA)

The Lifelong Faith Formation Association (LFFA) is a peer network of parish leaders in catechetical ministry in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland.
We are a networking group who support each other in catechetical ministry for all ages - children through adults. Our meetings usually feature a guest speaker who helps us explore a topic in catechetical ministry relevant to our times. Anyone may participate in a LFFA meeting, though only those who are paid members will receive meeting notes, email reminders of upcoming meetings/events and access to the LFFA member directory. Click here to view the current brochure (updated August 29, 2024)
The LFFA became a diocesan wide organization in June 2010 after the Cumberland and York County Coordinators' Association (CYCCA) took advantage of technology advances to open membership to the whole state.
We hope you will join us as part of the association!
Complete the online form and pay $35 annual dues to become part of the association. The dues help with the costs of speakers, printing, and cards/gifts for members who experience a death, serious illness, or retire. A limited number of partial scholarships are available if cost is a deterrent to membership.
Meeting Schedule
September 12, 2024
9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. - Supporting Family Life: The Family Life Model with presenter Georgette Dionne
November 1, 2024
9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. - Models of Faith Formation, presented by the Office of Faith Formation
January 9, 2025
9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. - Fostering Family Life in Christ, presented by Bishop James Ruggieri
March 13, 2025
9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. - Creating Family Events that Rebuild Interest - Group Sharing
May 7-8, 2025
LFFA Spring Retreat - Location and Topic TBD
Meeting Locations
There are four in-person locations for each LFFA meeting. They include the Chancery Offices at 510 Ocean Avenue in Portland, Holy Family Church at 607 Sabattus Street in Lewiston, St. Joseph Church, at 531 North Main Street, and either the Christian Life Center, 444 U.S. Route One Frenchville (September & January meetings) or Holy Rosary Parish Center, 34 Vaughn Street in Caribou (November and March meetings.) See the current LFFA brochure for locations.
LFFA Leadership Board
The LFFA is organized by a leadership board of catechetical/youth ministry leaders currently serving parishes in Maine and have been members of LFFA for at least two years. Please see the listing of the current board members below and reach out to any of us with any questions you may have about our association or to make comments or suggestions to support our shared mission in the Church.
Carolyn Houston
Phone: 207-985-6252
Holy Spirit Parish
236 Eldridge Rd.
Wells, ME 04090
Melissa Babin
Vice Chair
Phone: 207-728-7531
Notre Dame du Mont Carmel Parish
307 St. Thomas Street
Madawaska, ME 04756
Joanne Fortier
Phone: 207-583-4284 (Landline)
St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish
32 Paris Street
Norway, ME 04268
Clare Desrosiers
Phone: 207-538-2871
St. Mary of the Visitation Parish
112 Military St.
Houlton, ME 04730
Vicariate Representatives
Vicariate I: Melissa Babin (Notre Dame du Mont Carmel, Madawaska)
Vicariate II: Dawn McKay and Julie Sanclemente (St. Paul the Apostle, Bangor)
Vicariate III: (open)
Vicariates IV: Tyler Nadeau (Prince of Peace, Lewiston)
Vicariates V: Sister Jackie Moreau, RSM (St. Anthony of Padua Parish, Westbrook)
Vicariate VI: Carolyn Houston (Holy Spirit, Wells)
Ex Officio Members: Staff of the diocesan Office of Lifelong Faith Formation
Kim Suttie (Director of the Office of Lifelong Faith Formation)
Shawn Gregory (Coordinator of Youth Ministry)
Hannah Gonneville (Assistant Coordinator)