
The data below is for 2022 unless otherwise noted.


Bishop: 1
Auxiliary Bishop: 0
Retired Bishop: 1
Priests: Diocesan Active in Diocese: 35
Priests Retired, Sick, Absent: 58
Number of Diocesan Priests: 93
Religious Priests in Diocese: 35
Total Priests in Diocese: 128
Extern Priests in Diocese: 16
Permanent Deacons in Diocese: 45
Total Brothers: 7
Total Sisters: 153

Professional Ministry Personnel

Sisters: 4
Lay Ministers: 29

Ordinations in 2022

Diocesan Priests: 0
Transitional Deacons: 0
Permanent Deacons: 0


Total Parishes: 48


Diocesan Students in other Seminaries : 9

Total Seminarians: 9

Colleges & Universities: 1

Total Students: 1,542

Diocesan High Schools: 1

Total Students: 126

Private High Schools: 1

Total Students: 372

Diocesan Elementary Schools: 8

Total Students: 1,603

Private Elementary Schools: 1

Total Students: 182

Catechesis & Religious Education

High School Students: 230
Elementary Students: 2,078
Total Students Under Catholic Instruction: 6,133


Catholic Hospitals: 2
Total Assisted: 581,910

Homes for the Aged : 8

Total Assisted: 1,378

Day-Care Centers: 2

Total Assisted: 72

Specialized Homes: 1
(For substance use disorders, halfway homes, physically abused children or adults, AIDS/ARC, ex-offenders, pregnant women, runaway youths)

Total Assisted: 279

Special Centers for Social Services and Assistance: 1
(Hotline centers, food distribution, homeless centers, counseling, etc.)

Total Assisted: 53,441

Vital Statistics

Infant Baptisms: 700
Minor Baptism (ages 7-17): 95
Adult Baptisms: 42
Received into Full Communion: 62
First Communions: 724
Confirmations: 789
Deaths: 5,210
Marriages: Catholic: 163, Interfaith: 56, Total: 219

Did you know...

There are 286,095 self-identifying Catholics in Maine out of a total population of 1,362,357 (21% of the population).

There are 61.9 million Catholics in the United States (18.7% of the U.S. population), according to a 2020 survey conducted by the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies. There are 194 archdioceses/dioceses in the United States.

A 2019 report in the Vatican newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano puts the worldwide Catholic population at 1.34 billion (17.7% of the world's population). That number is on the rise.