Offices & Ministries

The primary purpose and vision of the Bishop’s Office is to provide the bishop with the support and assistance he needs to fulfill his threefold mission as the primary teacher of the faith, celebrant of the sacraments, and governor of the diocese.

The Finance Office administers the temporal (worldly) goods of the diocese under the authority of the diocesan bishop and in accordance with a budget determined by a diocesan finance council. An account of all receipts and expenditures must be rendered to the finance council each year.

The Office of Campus Ministry oversees all Catholic campus ministry to all in higher education (students, administration, faculty, and staff) at the public and private residential colleges and universities in the state of Maine.

The Catholic Appeal provides a way for Catholics in Maine to touch the lives of tens of thousands of people across the state. The appeal supports numerous ministries and programs, including campus ministry, special liturgies at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Catholic schools, clergy assistance, diocesan communications, Harvest magazine, Hispanic ministry, hospital ministry, ministry to members of the deaf community, the Office of Lifelong Faith Formation, prison ministry, Saint André Home, and the Tribunal.

Each day, the nearly 500 employees of Catholic Charities Maine come to the aid of the poor and vulnerable throughout the state of Maine. Those at Catholic Charities see the faces of people suffering from mental illness, hurt and frightened children, those fallen victim to loneliness and isolation, those battling addictions, anxious refugees, and thousands of others facing challenges.

Through the Catholic Foundation of Maine, a 501c3 tax-exempt charity, people can support and create charitable funds that will enhance the work of the Catholic Church, as well as its ministries and people, and fulfill needs in ways that otherwise would not be possible. The foundation provides opportunities for people to establish and contribute to charitable funds and leave a legacy of sharing.

In this section, you can explore a list of the Catholic cemeteries operating within our diocese, detailing their acreage and the average number of annual burials.  You will also find a user-friendly database to assist you in finding the graves of loved ones at some of the larger cemeteries.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland is committed to assisting those looking to answer God’s call to serve. In this section, you will learn about the priesthood, the diaconate, and consecrated life. You will also find a list of communities of women religious serving in our diocese.

It is the mission of the Roman Catholic Diocese Office of Communications to employ newspaper, television, radio, magazine and other print publications, as well as the Internet and social media to present and protect the Good News of Jesus Christ and the work of the Church. 

The goal of the Catholic Deaf Ministry in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland is to assess the needs of members of the deaf community and implement services and programs that will encourage them to be more active in their parishes communities.

DICON is the Diocese of Portland's "in house" restoration and construction company which the diocese depends upon to maintain its more than 400 churches and other structures statewide.

The Catholic Church recognizes the pain and trauma of a lost marriage and the effect it has not only on the couple but on children, in-laws, other family members and friends. Divorced Catholics remain full members of the Catholic Church and can participate fully in the life of the Church. In this section, you will find some resources we hope you find helpful.

In this section, you will find a list of potential housing options, and descriptions of support services including non-denominational Catholic Charities programs like S.E.A.R.C.H. (Seek Elderly Alone, Renew Courage & Hope), which promote independent living for elderly and disabled people in Maine.

Harvest magazine includes stories of faith from throughout the Diocese of Portland, as well as regular columns such as "The Last Word" and "In the Know with Father Joe," which answers your questions about Catholicism.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland and partners in the Catholic community offer a variety of health and support services for those in need.

The Office of Hispanic Ministry assists the Hispanic community living and working in Maine by offering Masses celebrated in Spanish and by offering sacramental preparation, including preparation for marriage and baptism. It also offers faith formation for adults and children, all with the goal of helping members of the community grow in faith and become more engaged in parish life. The office also assists by providing education on social service support in the state.

The mission of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland’s Office of Human Resources is to promote, support and respect the dignity, diversity and rights of all employees who work in the Diocese of Portland.

The Diocese of Portland is home to many lay groups that actively participate in the life of the Catholic Church and support the teachings of the Church. They include the Daughters of Isabella, the Knights of Columbus, Maine Right to Life, and the Maine Diocesan Council of Catholic Women.

The Office of Lifelong Faith Formation (OLFF) serves the bishop and parishes of the Diocese of Portland in the efforts of evangelization, catechesis, and lifelong faith formation of adults, youth, and children.

The Sacrament of Matrimony establishes a holy covenant among three: one man, one woman, and God himself. In this section, you will find answers to some common question about sacramental marriage, resources for strengthening marriage, and information for couples preparing for marriage.

The Diocese of Portland offers a wide range of ministries to serve individuals in their efforts of ongoing faith formation. They include campus ministry, Courage ministry, ministry to members of the deaf community, divorce ministry, Hispanic ministry, hospital ministry, prison ministry, and youth and young adult ministry.

Office of Missions / CRS, supports the work of the Pontifical Mission Societies and Catholic Relief Services as they seek to serve our brothers and sisters in the global community.

We remember in prayer and celebrate the lives and contributions of the deceased priests, deacons, women religious, and religious brothers from our diocese.

In this section, you will find links to the Bible, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, common prayers, the Holy Days of Obligation, the liturgical calendar, pastoral letters, the pope’s encyclical and apostolic letters, and other resources to help you learn about and grow in your faith and prayer life.

Those who serve in prison ministry help to bring Jesus’ embodiment of unconditional love and true forgiveness to those who are incarcerated. In this section, you will find information about prison ministry in the Diocese of Portland and ways you can support or become involved in it.

The Office of Professional Responsibility formalizes the process of investigating complaints of various kinds that have been filed against members of the clergy, other employees, or volunteers of the diocese.

Through Project Rachel Ministry, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland offers hope, understanding, and healing to women and men whose lives have been affected by abortion. 

The Office of Property Management assists pastors, administrators, parishioners, architects, and contractors in the development and completion of building/renovation projects, hazardous materials, handicapped accessibility, life safety codes, maintenance programs, compliance with AHERA regulations for asbestos in all school buildings and parish facilities, procuring energy at competitive prices, leasing, purchasing and sales of property and much more.

A program designed to educate adults on how to recognize the warning signs that might indicate that a child is being abused. 

The Office of Public Policy works to educate the public and lawmakers on Catholic social teaching, seeking to promote the common good. The Office provides Catholic moral leadership and guidance in areas including education, marriage, healthcare, the protection of human life, poverty, criminal justice, and the environment.

A list of the Catholic retreat centers in the Diocese of Portland that seek to provide opportunities for spiritual enrichment and renewal.

Risk Management conducts a variety of activities to increase safety for those working for the Catholic Church in Maine. The office works with other departments and lay personnel to reduce the potential for injury to persons and damage or loss of property.

The Office of Safe Environment is responsible for assisting the Bishop in the Diocese’s efforts to combat and prevent child sexual abuse.

Saint André Home is a private, non-profit Catholic organization dedicated to serving women and children in need, to strengthening and restoring child and family life, and to promoting. the individual dignity of each person. Saint André Home’s current work is focused on CourageLIVES, Maine's first residential treatment program for survivors of the crime of human trafficking.

Catholic schools in the Diocese of Portland are vibrant learning communities serving more than 2,500 students in Pre-K through 12th grade, at 10 elementary/middle schools and two high schools.

Meet the young men in our diocese who are discerning the Lord's call to the Catholic priesthood. 

The tribunal, part of the Department of Canonical Services, is a diocesan court that primarily hears cases involving prior marriage bonds. The tribunal helps individuals resume full participation in the sacramental life of the Church and deepen their union with God by removing, when possible, impediments that may exist.

The Office of Vocations and Seminarians is committed to assisting men who are interested in discerning God's call to serve as a diocesan priest.