Deaf Ministry

In the spirit of supporting and encouraging deaf Catholics living in Maine, the goal of the Catholic Deaf Ministry in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland is to assess the needs of the community and implement events, services and programs that will encourage deaf Catholics to be more active in their parishes; to share their gifts within the Catholic community and beyond; and to enjoy new communication, religious education and pastoral materials.
Currently, a signed Mass is offered at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, 307 Congress Street in Portland, on the second Sunday of the month at 10 a.m.
Deaf Catholics in Maine may also visit to watch a livestream of an ASL Mass each Sunday at 11:30 a.m. or watch a replay of the Mass at any time. To view weekly homilies signed by Fr. Michael Depcik, visit
“Diocesan ministerial services is assessing the needs of the deaf community and trying to implement opportunities, services, and programs to support and encourage deaf Catholics in Maine, which includes an invitation to be more active in their parishes through sharing their gifts,” said Deacon Peter Bernier, who oversees this and other specialized ministries.
“The deaf community is an important part of the parishes in which they live,” said Bishop Robert P. Deeley. “The diocese wants to reach out to the current and new generations of deaf Catholics to make sure that their needs are being met in terms of having children baptized, catechized, and that they feel welcome at Masses in their churches.”
For more information about opportunities for deaf Catholics in Maine, contact Deacon Peter Bernier at 207-773-6471.
For interpreters: Mass Interpreting Prep Guide