World Mission Sunday

"Go and Invite Everyone to the Banquet" (Mt 22:1-14)
World Mission Sunday, which is celebrated this year on October 20, 2024, is a day dedicated to the support of the missionary work of the Church. Established by Pope XI in 1926, it is an opportunity for every Catholic church community around the world to stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters living in mission territories. Through prayer and sacrificial giving, the day offers each of us an opportunity to support the life-giving presence of the Church among the poor and marginalized in more than 1,100 mission dioceses.
The theme of World Mission Sunday for 2024, chosen by Pope Francis, is "Go and Invite Everyone to the Banquet," reflecting the inclusive and urgent call to bring God's love to everyone.
"Let us not forget that every Christian is called to take part in this universal mission by offering his or her own witness to the Gospel in every context, so that the whole Church can continually go forth with her Lord and Master to the 'crossroads' of today’s world,'" the pope said in his message.
World Mission Sunday Collection
On World Mission Sunday, a collection is held in churches in support of mission work. The collection helps to build up local churches in Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America, and the Pacific Islands.
Every year, the needs of the Catholic Church in the missions grow, as new dioceses are formed, new seminaries are opened, and as war, natural disasters, or illnesses ravage communities. For new, young or poor dioceses, the collection from World Mission Sunday is essential on their journey to becoming self-sufficient.
In addition to the collection that will be held in Masses, donations can be made online on the Pontifical Mission Societies in the United States website. The Pontifical Mission Societies in the United States work through local bishops, churches, and missionary congregations to ensure that resources are distributed equitably and justly.
Pope Francis' World Mission Sunday message
World Mission Sunday Poster (External Link)
World Mission Sunday Resources (External Link)