Natural Family Planning

NEW in 2024: "Natural Plan" introductory program to help couples get a better understanding of Natural Family Planning (NFP) and choose which NFP method is best for them. Includes on-demand videos as well as print materials. Currently cost is $15/couple. Sponsored by Couple to Couple League
Natural Family Planning (NFP) is a safe, effective way to help a couple determine when sexual intercourse can and cannot result in pregnancy. It is not contraception. When used properly, modern methods of NFP are safe and clinically proven to be highly effective at avoiding pregnancy. These methods are not the old "rhythm method." Modern methods of NFP are based on the readily observable signs of fertility and infertility present in each menstrual cycle. So any woman, regardless of the regularity or irregularity of her cycles, can use NFP effectively.
NFP has no harmful physical side effects. It fosters authentic marital love, respect, honesty, and couple communication. It also fosters trust in God and an authentic marital spirituality that deepens the couple's relationship with Christ and his Church. NFP, when used properly, is "marriage insurance." Surveys indicate couples who practice NFP have a practically non-existent divorce rate. This is because practicing NFP fosters those very same virtues that are necessary for a healthy marriage. It allows intercourse to be a true expression, renewal, and deepening of the couple's commitment to their marriage vows.
Informational sessions for groups of couples, parishes, and clusters, as well as individual sessions are available.
If you have a basic question about NFP feel free to e-mail: [email protected]. For more NFP resources go to
Learn more about using natural family planning methods by contacting the following resources:
General Natural Family Planning Information
My Catholic Doctor Organization - This website provides you with a list of Catholic healthcare providers, some of which are certified in different methods of Natural Family Planning and/or Napro Technology.
The Challenge of Practicing NFP in Rural Areas - Read one women’s reflection on the challenges of practicing NFP in a rural area and how despite the challenges she continues to persevere.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on NFP - The USCCB points you to the teachings on married love and the transmission of life using Gaudium et Spes, Canon Law, and Humanae Vitae as starting points.
Creighton Model Ovulation Method
In this method of natural family planning a woman uses the texture of her cervical mucus to determine her fertile and infertile periods in her cycle. Based off that knowledge of the woman’s body the couple can decide to either decide to work towards achieving pregnancy or avoiding pregnancy. Here are some providers who specialize in the Creighton Model Fertility Care System.
Melissa Coello, RN, FCP - Mosaic Fertility Care
I teach Creighton Model and FEMM online through the My Catholic Doctor website . My Catholic Doctor also has physicians to assist women with cycle problems through Naprotechnology via telemedicine. (Online instruction only)
FMI: [email protected]
Nancy Malo, CFCS, Catholic Medical Center, Manchester, NH
We are a full-service OB/GYN medical practice that is driven by the ethical and religious directives of the Catholic Church. I offer instruction only in the Fertility Care System. (In person instruction by appointment)
FMI: 603-314-7595 or visit the Catholic Medical Center website.
Sarah Chamberlain, MS, CFCP - Lewiston
I teach the Creighton Model FertilityCare System. I meet with single women and couples to help monitor fertility, as well as to teach how to best achieve or avoid pregnancy in marriage. (In person or via Skype).
FMI: [email protected], 207-754-3823.
Couple to Couple League Sympto-Thermal Method
The Sympto-Thermal method helps a woman identify her fertile period based on changes in her basal body temperature, cervical mucus, and other biological signs. This method of natural family planning can be used to either achieve pregnancy or avoid pregnancy. Here are some couples that teach the Couple to Couple Sympto-Thermal Method.
Click for information on self-paced online class
Virtual Program-scheduled classes-Skype
Paul & Barbara Donovan - [email protected] or 603-370-9250 (We are located in Deerfield, NH, but are willing to travel to southern Maine if needed.)
Marquette Method
This method of NFP combines charting of changes in cervical mucus and using an electronic fertility monitor which measures hormone levels in the urine, as well. Some women may choose to track basal body temperature in addition to or instead of charting cervical mucus. This method is favored mostly by nursing mothers.
Introduction to the Marquette Method
The Institute for the Natural Family Planning Model shares information about the biology behind Marquette as well as available classes and resources to help couples either begin or transition from another method of Natural Family Planning to the Marquette Method. For more information on the Marquette method click here.
Vitae Fertility—Marquette Method
Vitae Fertility provides a wealth of knowledge about the Marquette method. Additionally, they offer free instruction to clergy with a focus on couples who are struggling with NFP. Click here to learn more.
Online Billings Method
Online Introduction to the Billings Method TM
Sponsored by the Archdiocese of Chicago this online course provides an introduction to the science of NFP and the Billings MethodTM in particular. A special feature is a video of the NFP couple who teach and witness to living the NFP lifestyle. Supplemental materials such as PDF documents for further reading are also included. For more information, contact: Maria Garcia, NFP Coordinator, Archdiocese of Chicago, 312-534-8273; e-mail: [email protected].
World Organization of Ovulation Method Billings (WOOMB)
WOOMB seeks to carry on the legacy of Dr. John and Evelyn Billings by providing trainings and education, physical health and spiritual support to couples learning the Billings Method. Their team of professors, doctors, and medical personnel share the science behind fertility. They also offer an international directory of Billings Method Teaching Centers and practitioners. (More information on WOOMB.)