Women Religious Communities

Do you see yourself as a Woman Religious in the 21st Century?

Diocesan Delegate for Religious

Brother Jim Peterson, OFM Cap.
Phone: 207-773-6471
Email: [email protected] 

Congregations represented in the Diocese of Portland

Daughters of Wisdom (DW)

We are called in community to seek and contemplate Divine Wisdom present in a world that hungers for meaning, justice, and compassion.

We seek to bring the message of Jesus, Incarnate Wisdom, to people experiencing injustice, violence, poverty, and oppression, especially women and children.

Internationally, we minister in rural, suburban, and urban communities to those in need of education, health care, and basic human resources.

Vocation Director
385 Ocean Avenue
Islip, NY 11751
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.daughtersofwisdom.org

Dominican Sisters of the Roman Union (OP)

"We are an international community of Dominican Sisters called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

The Dominican Sisters of the Roman Congregation is an international congregation founded in 1959 through the merger of five Dominican Congregations. The Sisters have houses in fourteen countries - the Mother House is in Rome and the US Provincial House is in Lewiston, Maine. In the American Province, the sisters and their associates are involved in the ministry of preaching through parishes, education, health care, counseling, outreach to the poor, actions for peace and justice, the media and mission work with the Navajo.

In the spirit of the beatitudes, we want to simplify our lives and open our hearts so we may recognize the truth. Our dialogue with the world of today transforms us as Sisters and communities and inspires our joyful proclamation of the Word in new ways, for a new time.

Vocation Director
61 Lisbon Road.
Sabattus, ME 04280
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://www.sabattusdominicans.org/index.php

Felician Sisters (CSSF)

"You will know the Felicians by the Joy they bring." Felician Franciscan Sisters come from many different backgrounds. We are women of faith, strength, determination, and energy. We are vowed women balancing the active and contemplative way of life. We are risk takers who strive to fulfill God's will in our lives. We are women in community who pray, care, laugh, and live life fully.

Felician Franciscan Sisters live out the essential elements of the Franciscan rule: contemplation, conversion, poverty, humility, and service.

The essential aspects of Felician spirituality are: Eucharistic, Ecclesial, Evangelical, and Marian.

Vision Statement: to be Eucharist, Sister, and Servant to all.

We welcome you to take the challenge and discover for yourself who we are.

Vocation Director
1315 Enfield St
Enfield, CT 06082-4929
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.feliciansisters.org

Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist (FSE)

The mission of the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist is to restore a sense of the sacred, especially the sacredness of human life, in a world that knows the rupture between the sacred and the secular.

Community is at the heart of religious life for the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist. Like St. Clare, they are vowed religious women who embody the spirit of St. Francis and seek to enflame humanity with a sense of the sacred found deep within each person.

Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist
15 Baird Avenue
Lewiston, ME 04240

The Little Franciscans of Mary (PFM)

Called to follow Christ by living the Gospel in the spirit of Francis of Assisi and the Foundress, in joy, simplicity, fraternal communion and love of the poor, the Little Franciscans of Mary commit themselves, for the love of God, to live fraternal communion intensely in order to collaborate with the Mission of the Church at the heart of humanity today.

Mission: To educate the young in the truths of their faith; to care for the poor with kindness; to assist the elderly in a compassionate way; to welcome the forsaken unconditionally. Today, the Little Franciscans of Mary pursue their ministry, adapting their works to the needs of the Church.

Quebec, diocese of: Quebec, Montreal, Chicoutimi, Baie-Comeau, Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere, Saint-Jean-Longueuil -- The United States, diocese of: Worcester, Massachusetts, and Portland, Maine (Whitefield) -- Madagascar: five houses on the island.

Vocation Director
55 Moore Avenue
Worcester, MA 01602-1819
508.755.6822 (fax)
E-mail: [email protected]

Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God (SMIC)

Founded in Brazil in the early 1900s, the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God are a religious institute of pontifical right dedicated to apostolic works and to the evangelical ideal of St. Francis. The sisters' charism is "to be a contemplative and compassionate presence to all, in constant readiness for Jesus Christ's mission, especially among the most needy."

Along with the United States, the sisters continue to serve in Brazil, as well as Angola, China, Germany, Namibia, Taiwan, the Philippines. 

Email: [email protected]
Website: http://missionarysistersofic.org/index.shtml

Servants of the Blessed Sacrament (SSS)

We are a contemplative Eucharistic community of Sisters with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We share our life of prayer with the laity.

Founded by St. Peter Julian Eymard in France, 1859, we are worldwide. In the United States, we have communities in Waterville, Maine and Pueblo, Colorado.

Age limit 20 through 45 years. Education: two years of college or work experience.

Vocation Director
101 Silver Street
Waterville, ME 04901
207.872.7072 or 207.873.4400
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.blesacrament.org

Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (SCIM)

Prayer -- Community Life -- and Ministry mark the rhythm of our lives. We are dedicated to apostolic action and in particular to the ministry of mercy and faith education in social services and teaching. Whether in the United States, Canada, Africa, Haiti, or Brazil, the dignity of women is our concern.

In Maine, we help parenting young women with infants, assist families by providing international and domestic adoption services as well as counseling and outreach services. We help women transition from prison back to society, teach inmates in county jails, pray and share Scripture with them. We seek to touch hearts and lead them to Jesus, the Good Shepherd.

Could this be that "something more" you have been seeking?

Vocation Director
11 Aspen Avenue
South Portland, ME 04106
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.scimsisters.org

Sisters of Mercy of the Americas (RSM)

The Sisters of Mercy of the Americas are an international community of women religious vowed to serve people who suffer from poverty, sickness, and lack of education. We unite our vision and gifts with our sisters throughout North, South, and Central America, the Caribbean, Guam and the Philippines. The Mercy Northeast Community consists of Sisters and associates from Albany, New York; Connecticut; New Hampshire; Portland, Maine; Providence, Rhode Island; and Vermont.

We commit our lives to serving God's people, especially those who are sick, poor and uneducated. In the spirit of the Gospel, our mission is to help people to overcome the obstacles that keep them from living full and dignified lives.

We are looking for mature Catholic women, passionate about following Jesus' call to serve those in need and have the ability to live in community with others who share the same vision.

Sr. Michele Schroeck, RSM 
Vocation Minister
Institute New Membership Team
444 East Grandview Blvd.
Erie, PA 16504-2604
Phone: 1-814-824-2485
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: facebook.com/mercysisters
Twitter: @SistersofMercy

Sisters of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary (RSR)

Called in the tenderness of God, we are a religious community of women, gathered in service to the Church, especially the young. We are teachers, artists, musicians, pastoral counselors and ministers following Christ with the charism of manifesting the tender and caring love of Jesus and Mary, His Mother.

Elisabeth Turgeon, our foundress, had a tender love for the children. Having followed a call by the bishop, she established a religious institute known as the "les Souers des Petites Ecoles" in Quebec. Instructing children in the faith was the primary importance for this community. Since many families could not afford to send their children to boarding schools, Elisabeth sent her sisters out two by two to rural villages to be among the people, and to teach in 'little schools.' Her call to serve the People of God is alive and carried on today in the hearts and dedicated service of her sisters and co-members (lay people associated to the Congregation). For over 125 years, we have continued to minister in Canada, the United States, Honduras, Guatemala, Peru, and Nicaragua.

Vocation Director
25 Portland Avenue
Old Orchard Beach, ME 04964-2211
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.soeursdusaintrosaire.org

Sisters of St. Chretienne - U.S. Region (SSCh)

The Sisters of S. Chretienne are an international congregation with members who serve in Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Florida, as well as in Canada, Europe, and Africa. 

The sisters serve in the spirit of the Holy Family of Nazareth, sharing their faith and gifts with hospitality, simplicity, and joy. They serve in many ministries but most especially in nursing, hospice care, education, pastoral work, and social services.

Vocation Director
Sisters of St. Chretienne
297 Arnold Street
Wrentham, MA 02093
Email: [email protected]

Sisters of St. Joseph of Lyon (CSJ)

We, Sisters of St. Joseph of Lyon, live and work so that all people may be united with God, with the "dear neighbor" both near and far, and with all of creation.

Today we find Sisters of St. Joseph of Lyon present in fifteen countries, deeply committed to our charism of unity and reconciliation.

We help to meet the needs of the impoverished by engaging in just and right relationship. Led by the Spirit, we work tirelessly in our varied ministries so that all may be one.

Called by the spirit to live
Unity - Diversity - Reconciliation - Global Spirituality

Vocation Director
121 Webber Avenue
Lewiston, ME 04240
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.csjwinslowmaine.org

Sisters of the Presentation of Mary (PM)

The Sisters of the Presentation of Mary are consecrated women religious called to live in a state of worship and self-offering, and to participate in the teaching mission of the Church, primarily through youth. In fidelity to the grace received by Marie Rivier, our foundress, the apostolic spirit of the Congregation is expressed, whatever the apostolate may be, by the explicit proclamation of Jesus Christ.

Our apostolic zeal knows neither frontiers, nor race, nor nations. Missionary ardor dwells at the heart of the Congregation. At this time, some fifteen hundred women religious of the Congregation are present in twenty countries around the world.

United States -- Canada -- Peru -- Brazil -- Ecuador -- Japan -- Philippines -- France -- England -- Spain -- Portugal -- Continent & Island of Madeira -- Italy -- Switzerland -- Ireland -- Mozambique -- Senegal -- Gambia -- Cameroon -- Burkina Faso and Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected]

Ursuline Sisters of the Roman Union (OSU)

The truth is, we're modern women living in supportive, Gospel communities throughout the world. We work in schools, parishes, hospitals, and communities to empower individuals through the teachings of the Gospel.

We dare to confront the oppression of women and to stand in solidarity with the poor.

Will you dare to learn more?

Vocation Director
45 Lowder Street
Dedham, MA 02026-4200
E-mail: [email protected]

Approved Associations of the Faithful in the Diocese of Portland

Community of the Resurrection

We are a small contemplative community of women, dedicated to living the Gospel in a simple contemporary lifestyle. We derive our spirituality from Fr. Lataste, a Dominican priest, who while giving a retreat at a women's prison, recognized the workings of God's grace in them. He was so inspired by the sincerity of their conversions, that he founded a community that would accept women regardless of their background.

Our doors are open to any woman seeking God and a life of prayer, who is able to live community life. We have a small ministry directed towards women in prison or those who have a troubled and difficult live situation.

Community life and prayer are primary elements of our life. We pray the Divine Office, as well as participate in the Eucharist, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and a period of personal prayer.

Vocation Director
P.O. Box 284
Casco, ME 04015-0284
E-mail: [email protected] 

Sisters of the Curé of Ars

The Sisters of the Curé of Ars began as a private association of the faithful in 2011 with a Decree of Approbation from the Bishop of the Diocese of Portland.  The sisters' main mission is to pray and to invite others to pray for priests, deacons, seminarians, and for an increase in priestly and religious vocations. The sisters especially pray for priests to follow the example of Saint John Marie Vianney and become holy and courageous priests who will give all they have for God's people.

Vocations Director
P.O. Box 502
Stockton Springs, ME 04981
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.sistersofthecureofars.org