Lenten Retreats

Retreats provide a wonderful opportunity to step away from daily tasks and to concentrate on nurturing your spiritual life and building your relationship with Christ. Below, you will find a list of retreat opportunities this Lent.

Diocese of Portland

Maine Catholic Men's Conference

Men from across the Diocese of Portland are invited to attend the Maine Catholic Men's Conference, which will be held March 15, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the St. John's Community Center, 43 Pleasant Street in Brunswick. This year’s keynote speaker will be Bishop James Ruggieri. The cost of the event is $60. For more details or to register, visit www.portlanddiocese.org/mens-conference-2025.

Our Lady of Hope Parish, Portland

The Cross, The Tomb, and The Resurrection: A Journey to Easter in the Ordinary

The Ignatian Spirituality Partnership of Maine (IgnatianMe) and Our Lady of Hope Parish invite you to a Lenten retreat, "The Cross, The Tomb, and The Resurrection: A Journey to Easter in the Ordinary." The one-day retreat will be presented by Father Bob Pecararo, SJ, president of Cheverus High School in Portland. It will be held in the parish hall at 492 Ocean Avenue in Portland. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. The program begins promptly at 9 a.m. and will end at noon. The retreat is free, but pre-registration is required by February 28. Register at www.ignatianme.org or by calling the Our Lady of Hope Parish office at 207-797-7026.

Good Teacher, What Do You Want? A Lenten Journey in the Ignatian Way

Father John Michalowski, SJ, will be the presenter of this retreat offered on Sunday evenings from March 2 to April 13. The group sessions will be held in the Our Lady of Hope Parish Hall, located at 492 Ocean Avenue in Portland. The sessions begin at 7 p.m. and last for about an hour. The retreat will help participants notice more deeply God’s presence and call to ongoing conversion and integrate daily prayer into their lives by praying the Scriptures daily. The retreat's prayer exercises follow the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius and the work of Fr. Joseph Tetlow, SJ. If you would like to join the group, contact the parish office at 207-797-7026 or [email protected]. There is no fee to participation, but preregistration is required by February 24.

Parish of the Holy Eucharist, Falmouth

Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Parish of the Holy Eucharist will hold a Lenten retreat March 24-26 at 11 a.m. at St. Gregory the Great Church, 24 North Raymond Road in Gray. Each session will feature a presentation on the Sacred Heart of Jesus followed by prayer and meditation. 

St. Michael Parish, Augusta

Let Your Heart Be Opened - Lenten Retreat

St. Michael Parish will hold a Lenten Retreat, "Let Your Heart be Opened," on April 5, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.,  at St. Augustine Church, 75 Northern Avenue in Augusta. The retreat will including prayers, the word of God, confession, and the celebration of the Eucharist. Register online at www.stmichaelmaine.org/lent. The registration deadline is March 30.

Portland Peninsula & Island Parishes 

French Retreat

A Lenten retreat for members of the French-speaking Catholic community will be held in the church and hall of Sacred Heart Church, 65 Mellen Street in Portland, on Saturday, March 15, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Men's Retreat

A Lenten Men's Retreat will be held Saturday, March 29, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., at St. Peter Church, 72 Federal Street in Portland. The day will begin with Mass at 8:30 a.m. Register online at www.portlandcatholic.org/lentenretreat2025. There is a suggested donation of $20.

Women's Retreat

A women's retreat will be held Saturday, March 22, at St. Peter Church, 72 Federal Street in Portland. The retreat will begin with Mass at 8:30 a.m. and will feature a presentation from Tracy Guerrette, from FIERCE, a ministry devoted to using Catholic theology and philosophy to help female athletes and coaches discover their truth selves. Tracy is also a former faith formation director from St. Paul the Apostle Parish in Bangor. Please register online at www.portlandcatholic.org/lentretreat2025. There is a suggested donation of $20.

Lenten Mission

The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception will post its annual Lenten Mission on April 3 and 4 from 5:30-9 p.m. both days. Abbot Mark Cooper will present on the rule of Saint Benedict. Abbot Cooper was the fifth abbot of St. Anselm Abbey, serving from 2012-2024 and is a native of Freeport, Maine. To learn more and register, please visit: https://portlandcatholic.org/lenten-mission

Prince of Peace Parish, Lewiston

Restored: A Lenten Journey

Experience a powerful opportunity to deepen your faith and draw closer to Christ at Prince of Peace Parish's three-night parish mission, entitled Restored: A Lenten Journey. The mission will feature nationally known Catholic speaker, podcaster, and musician Noella Garcia. Garcia has shared her faith at Steubenville conferences, the National Catholic Youth Conference, and parish events nationwide. The mission will be held March 24-26, beginning each night with a 5:30 p.m. Mass at Holy Family Church, 607 Sabattus Street in Lewiston, followed by a simple meal at 6 p.m., and then the mission talk at 7 p.m. Contact the parish at [email protected] for more information.

Christian Life Center, Frenchville

Men's Retreat

A Lenten men’s retreat will be offered April 4-6 at the Christian Life Center, 444 U.S. Route One in Frenchville. The cost is $110 per person. To register, call CLC at (207) 543-6193.

Additional Resources

Word on Fire Lent Retreat (Online)