Prayer & Faith Resources

Faith & Study

The New American Bible
Ad resurgendum cum Christo (To Rise with Christ)
Amoris Laetitia Family 2021-2022
Books of the Bible
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Charismatic Prayer Groups
Code of Canon Law
Collections Calendar 2025
Documents of Vatican II
Echoing God's Word
Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Holy Days of Obligation
Liturgical Calendar - 2024
Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest Booklet
The Anchorite - Fr. Mark Nolette Blog
Theological and Cardinal Virtues
Three Beliefs - End-of-Life Decisions
Twelve Apostles
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Works of Mercy

Bishop Deeley's Pastoral Letter

"Do this in memory of me." - Oct. 2021

Bishop Malone's Pastoral Letters

Telling Anew the Story of Jesus - Jan. 2005
That We May Have Hope: Funerals in the Catholic Tradition - Nov. 2011
Marriage: Yesterday, Today, & Always - Feb. 2013

U.S. Bishops Pastoral Letters & Statements

Create in Me a Clean Heart: A Pastoral Response to Pornography
Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship
The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church
One Church, Many Cultures
Opening Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love

Prayers & Devotions

Act of Spiritual Communion
Apostolate of Prayer for Priests 2024
Catholic Prayers (Traditional Prayers)
Divine Mercy Chaplet
Eucharistic Adoration in the Diocese
Lectio Divina
Lectio Divina for the Easter Season
Novena to Sts. Anne and Joachim
Praying the Rosary - How to and why with Bishop Robert Barron
Praying the Rosary
The Rosary Prayers
Stations of the Cross
Pope Francis' Monthly Prayer Intentions - 2024
Pope Francis' Prayer for Mary's Intercession
Prayer before an Election
Prayer for the Annual Catholic Appeal
Prayer for a Catechist
Prayer for Immigrants & Refugees
Prayer for Peace  (From Pope Francis)
Prayer for Peace (St. Francis of Assisi)
Prayer for the Jubilee of Mercy
Prayer for the New Year
Prayer for Youth and Young Adults
Prayers for Vocations
Prayer of Adoration to Jesus
Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe

Prayers during the pandemic

Divine Mercy Novena during a pandemic 
Pope Francis' prayer to Mary
Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe
Prayer for Solidarity
Spiritual Communion Prayer when unable to attend Mass

The Popes

Pope Francis
Pope Benedict XVI
Saint John Paul II
Listing of the Popes

Pope Francis' Encyclicals

Lumen Fidei (Light of Faith)
Laudato Sí (On Care for Our Common Home)
Fratelli tutti (On fraternity and social friendship)

Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortations

Christus vivit (Christ is Alive!)
Evangelii Gaudium (Joy of the Gospel)
Amoris Laetitia (On love in the family)
Gaudete et exsultate (Call to Holiness in Today's World)

Pope Francis Apostolic Letters

Admirabile Signum (The meaning and importance of the Nativity scene)
Aperuit Illis (Sunday of the Word of God)
Maiorem Hac Dilectionem (Offer of Life)
Patris Corde (With a Father's Heart)
Protection of Minors and Vulnerable Persons
Vos Esis Lux Mundi (You are the Light of the World)

Pope Francis' Messages 

External Links

Urbi et Orbi - Christmas 2023
Urbi et Orbi - Christmas 2022
Urbi et Orbi - Christmas 2021
Urbi et Orbi - Christmas 2020
Urbi et Orbi - Christmas 2019
Urbi et Orbi - Christmas 2018

Urbi et Orbi - Easter 2023
Urbi et Orbi - Easter 2022
Urbi et Orbi - Easter 2021
Urbi et Orbi - Easter 2020
Urbi et Orbi - Easter 2019
Urbi et Orbi - Easter 2018
Urbi et Orbi - 2013-2017

World Day of Peace - 2024
World Day of Peace - 2023
World Day of Peace - 2022
World Day of Peace - 2021
World Day of Peace - 2020
World Day of Peace - 2019
World Day of Peace 2014-2018

Pope Francis' Apostolic Journey to U.S.

Messages during the 2015 Visit

Retreat Centers

Christian Life Center, Frenchville
Franciscan Guest House, Kennebunk

Other Resources

National Collection Schedule 2024
The Vatican
The Vatican Museums
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
Cursillo Movement

Pope Benedict XVI's Encyclicals

Caritas in veritate (Charity in Truth)
Spe salvi (Saved by Hope)
Deus caritas est (God is Love)

Pope Saint John Paul II's Encyclicals

Ecclesia de Eucharistia (Church of the Eucharist)
Fides et Ratio (Faith and Reason)
Ut Unum Sint (On commitment to Ecumenism)
Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life)
Veritatis  Splendor (The Splendor of Truth)
Centesimus Annus (100th Anniversary of Rerum Novarum)
Redemptoris Mater (Mother of the Redeemer)
Dominum et Vivicantem (The Lord, the Giver of Life)
Slavorum Apostoli (Apostles of the Slavs)
Laborem Exercens (Human Work)
Dives in Misericordia (God who is Rich in Mercy)
Redempter Hominis (Redeemer of Man)