Office of Lifelong Faith Formation
Encountering Christ while building toward mission
The Office of Lifelong Faith Formation (OLFF) serves the bishop and parishes of the Diocese of Portland in the efforts of evangelization, catechesis, and lifelong faith formation of adults, youth, and children as they grow as disciples of Jesus Christ and contribute toward the mission entrusted to the Church.
What We Do
According to the Vatican General Directory for Catechesis, all evangelizing activity promotes communion with Jesus Christ (no.80) and the aim of catechesis to encourage a living, explicit, and fruitful profession of faith in each baptized person (no. 66). The OLFF staff provides ongoing support and resources for pastors, parish staff, ministry volunteers and parishioners to participate fully in the life and mission of the Church.
- Vision
- Sacrament Formation
- Faith Formation at Any Age
- Upcoming Gathering and Events
- Resources for Ongoing Ministerial Development