
The Office of Lifelong Faith Formation (OLFF) focuses on people and relationships that foster lifelong education and formation for Christian discipleship and living out the Catholic Church's mission of echoing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth, baptizing and making missionary disciples.

Our vision is that:

Every Catholic in Maine accepts the gift of faith and wants to keep unpacking that gift for themselves and others, especially through participating in the sacramental life of the Church and serving one another in the world. 

Click to read the current diocesan catechetical plan for working toward this vision while also fulfilling the general responsibility delegated to the office by the bishop. 

OLLF vision

The OLFF team works to realize this vision as we:

  • Encourage and supports parishes in forming all people to answer the universal call to holiness

  • Help parishes promote and strengthen Christian marriage and family life

  • Assist Parish Catechetical Leaders, Youth Ministers, and Pastoral Life Coordinators in their formation and ministry

  • Encourage adult faith formation and catechesis of children and youth throughout the diocese to form the laity in the Catholic faith, relationship with Christ and role as disciples in the mission of evangelization

  • Serve parishes by supporting sacramental preparation, including the implementation of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, Marriage preparation, infant Baptism, preparation for Confirmation and First Communion, and preparation to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation

  • Engage youth to reflect, demonstrate, lead, celebrate, and stretch as Christian disciples

  • Coordinate diocesan-wide pastoral outreach such as Project Rachel and the annual Men's and Women's Conferences

  • Utilize technology and modern media as evangelization and lifelong faith formation tools, especially as relevant to the lifestyles of today’s Catholics and to address geographic challenges of the diocese