Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Intercessory Prayers

Below are some suggestions for intercessory prayers during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

For all Christian Churches and faith communities, that they may continue to show one another extraordinary kindness in guiding them towards reconciliation and unity in Christ…

For all Christian Churches and Faith Communities, that they may be faithful witnesses to the Gospel call to reconciliation…

For church leaders everywhere during this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, that they may work together and promote unity among Christians …

For the Church, that God would inspire God’s people to continue the quest for Christian unity and that our hearts be filled with the gift of Jesus’ love for all …

For the leadership of the Church throughout the world during this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, that they may witness to Christ’s prayer “That All May Be One” …

For an end to the divisions among Christians, that they work together in bringing about healing and promote reconciliation as signs of God’s reign

For the various ecumenical dialogues between our church and other denominations, that they bear witness to the quest for Christian unity in Jesus’ name …

For those who participate in the works of ecumenism and interreligious dialogue, that they always treat one another with extraordinary kindness seeking the unity that is found in Christ and a true openness to the giftedness found in each other.