Knights of Columbus in Maine and around the world are celebrating the beatification of Father Michael Joseph McGivney who founded the lay fraternal…
A sea of raincoats, a field of candlelight, the chants of Italian pilgrims, the rhythmic beating of African drummers. Voices raised in…
Summer: A time to celebrate the gift of family
It is finally summer. Winter has ended at last, and we can enjoy good weather. In the midst of…
Scheduled to Visit:
Our Lady of the Eucharist Parish, Lincoln; Christ the King Parish, Millinocket; and St. Benedict, Benedicta
My name is Mirian…
When 9-1-1 calls come in and fire alarms sound in Biddeford and Saco, police and firefighters aren’t the only ones ready to respond, so is Deacon…
A willingness to listen and a desire to be present to the people. Father Felix Udolisa, a Dominican priest from Nigeria, says that is what he hopes…
Why is the Body of Christ referred to as the Eucharist? Why is Jesus’ body kept in the tabernacle? Why is Mary depicted holding rosary beads?…
Why would you want to settle for less when a life with God promises so much more? That was among the questions posed and thoughts shared by…
Honor your father and mother - The Fourth Commandment
I’m a young father, married to my wife, Schara, for five years now and blessed with three…
Telling Anew the Story of Jesus
A Pastoral Letter of the
Most Rev. Richard J. Malone, Th.D., S.T.L., Bishop of Portland
to the clergy, religious,…
Bishop Robert Deeley has announced the following three priest assignments with effective dates noted.
Effective August 1, 2022, Fr. Philip…
In his 30 years as a priest, Father Cyprian Tatah has had a wide range of experiences. He has preached in villages, studied in Rome, served as…
PORTLAND---Bishop Robert Deeley has announced three priest assignments, effective immediately.
Monsignor Andrew Dubois, VG, has been appointed…
Responding to Pope Francis’ call to better care for our “common home
In the summer of 2015, Pope Francis released his encyclical Laudato Si; a…
Bishop George Nkuo, bishop of the Diocese of Kumbo in Cameroon, is spending several days in Maine, giving him an opportunity to meet with the priests…
With her guitar in hand and a broad smile on her face, Sister Kathryn Kelm, SSS, has a way of warming the hearts of all she meets.
“She’s just so…
Holy Orders
Holy Orders is the only sacrament that is plural, for indeed it includes bishops, priests, and deacons. I will be reflecting on the…
PORTLAND---On Sunday afternoon, seven members of a multi-jurisdictional honor guard marched to the front of the Cathedral of the Immaculate…
Reverend Michael Adebote, SMA, has been appointed as chaplain at Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center in Bangor, effective September 1,…
Mass begins with the Sign of the Cross and the greeting by the celebrant, “The Lord be with you.” Sometimes, the celebrant may then offer a few words…
The Joy of Love - Chapter Nine
We now come to the last chapter in The Joy of Love. Here, the Holy Father does not present us with any new…
“In the midst of a fractured and divided society, you go about trying to keep order. We pray for you today, grateful for your service, and asking God…
The creation of pastoral councils has been called one of the gifts of Vatican II. Although they were originally recommended on a diocesan level, as…
Coffee, community, and conversation are proving to be an appealing blend for teenagers in Aroostook County. One Sunday a month, the teens…
Pope Francis has expressed a strong interest and advocacy for a synodal process of discernment, prayerful listening, and sharing of ideas for the…