Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

On December 12, we celebrate the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, who was declared the “Queen of Mexico and Patroness of the Americas” by Pope Pius XII in the 1940s, a title affirmed by Pope John Paul II in 1999, who made her feast day an obligatory memorial on liturgical calendars in the Americas, meaning it would be celebrated each year.

The feast day commemorates the appearances of the Virgin Mary to Juan Diego on the hill of Tepeyac outside Mexico City in 1531. Juan Diego, a humble Aztec Indian who had converted to Christianity, was on his way to Mass when he encountered the Blessed Mother. She asked him to tell the bishop to build a church on the hill to assist in the conversion of the nation and to be a source of consolation for those in need. Juan Diego did as he was asked, but the bishop was skeptical and wanted some sign or assurance of the Blessed Mother's appearance. It came in the forms of roses, which appeared on the hill in the middle of the winter and were arranged by Our Lady on Juan Diego’s tilma, or cloak. When Juan Diego met with the bishop, the roses spilled out and an image of Our Lady could be seen imprinted on the tilma. The bishop fell to his knees and believed the message, and a temple was built as Our Lady had wished.

That church remains today, and each year, thousands of people make a pilgrimage to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City for the feast day.

“The Latino community venerates her in a special way, especially as she is the patroness of Mexico,” said Father Michael Sevigny, OFM Cap., the director of the Office of Hispanic Ministry in the Diocese of Portland.

Celebrations in the Diocese of Portland


Bishop James Ruggieri will gather with members of the Hispanic community and others for a Mass on Thursday, December 12, at 6:30 p.m., at Sacred Heart Church, 65 Mellen street in Portland. 


All are invited to join Bishop James Ruggieri and Spanish-speaking parishioners for Las Mañanitas, a traditional serenade performed at dawn to honor Our Lady of Guadalupe. The serenade will take place on December 12 at 5 a.m. at Sacred Heart Church, 65 Mellen Street in Portland.


In celebration of the Feast of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, a special Mass will be celebrated in Spanish at St. Joseph Church, 231 Main Street in Ellsworth on December 12 at 5:30 p.m. The homily of the Mass will be in English. All are invited to attend!


Bishop James Ruggieri will gather with members of the Hispanic community and others for a Mass on Sunday, December 1, at 1 p.m. at St. Michael Church, 51 Elm Street in Cherryfield. A potluck celebration will follow at 2:15 p.m.


Prayers to Our Lady of Guadalupe

Prayer for the intercession of St. Juan Diego, who was canonized in 2002, and whose feast day is December 9.

St. John Paul II's Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe (PDF)


Maine Celebration 2023

Maine Celebration 2022

The Story of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Vatican Media / External Link) 

Our Lady of Guadalupe (Franciscan Media / External Link)

Saint Juan Diego Biography (Vatican / External Link)

Saint Juan Diego (Catholic News Agency / External Link)

Saint Juan Diego (Franciscan Media / External Link)