Ignatian Spirituality Partnership of Maine to offer retreat to help people discern God's presence in their lives.

The Ignatian Spirituality Partnership of Maine will present “Ignatian Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life,” a retreat through Zoom that will offer a “blueprint” for prayer to help people discern God’s presence in their lives.

Daily prayer will be at the heart of the retreat, which will begin October 2, 2024, and continue until June 4, 2025. Participants need to make a commitment to praying daily with the retreat materials for about 30 minutes each day, attending a Zoom meeting with the group on the first Wednesday evening of each month, and attending a monthly meeting with a spiritual director/guide either in person or via Zoom.

“This retreat is designed for people who have had some experience praying with Scripture, and who have had experience talking with someone about their prayer,” said Fr. Paul Sullivan, SJ, one of the retreat guides and pastor of Our Lady of Hope Parish in Portland. “The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola can be transformational.”

In four stages, referred to as “weeks,” participants contemplate various aspects of their lives, as well as the life, Passion, and resurrection of Jesus. Leading and encouraging women and men to make the journey of the Exercises is a key priority for Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) globally and its partners in mission today. 

The dates and topics for the monthly group meetings are:

October 2, 2024 – What Are You Looking For? (Encountering the unconditional, creative, inviting love of God)
November 6, 2024 – Experiencing God’s Boundless Mercy
December 4, 2024 – Knowing and Loving Jesus
January 1, 2025 – Ministering with Jesus
February 5, 2025– Responding to Jesus’ Call
March 5, 2025 – Being with Jesus in His Suffering and Experiencing Compassion
April 2, 2025 – Being with the Risen Lord
May 7, 2025 – The Fullness of God’s Love
June 4, 2025 - Reflecting Back and Going Forward.

“God continues to invite each of us into a deepening relationship, to ongoing conversion. We believe that by embracing this invitation, we embrace our God who calls us to act in new, bold ways that reconcile our world, bringing about justice, peace, and compassion,” said Fr. Arturo Sosa, SJ, superior general of the Society of Jesus.

Space is limited. To register for the retreat or for more information, visit www.ignatianme.org. Once registered, organizers will arrange for an in-person or online meeting to talk more about the retreat and pair you with a spiritual director/guide.