Christian Initiation

Initiation into the Christian life as a Roman Catholic involves initial conversion to Christ and acceptance into the Church through a parish. The process toward initiation of unbaptized people involves getting to know Jesus Christ and the Catholic Tradition though sharing life in a Catholic parish. It is not simply a course of study or a series of tasks to complete. This process of sacramental formation called "the catechumenate" shapes both the individual and the whole parish as all grow to know, love, and serve Christ more consciously, actively, and fully practice the Catholic faith throughout their whole lives.

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults guides the formation, learning, and ritual prayers with and for those seeking initiation. The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults includes adaptations for unbaptized children over the age of 7 and for anyone over the age of 7 who was validly baptized Christian outside of the Catholic Church and now desires to be welcomed into full communion with the Catholic Church.

For Individuals

Interested in learning more about the process of becoming Catholic? Contact a parish near you to begin a conversation.

Find a Catholic parish in Maine

What is the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults? (USCCB)

For Parish Leaders

Diocesan Forms/Guides

Resources for Use in Guiding the Initiation Process

Learning with Experienced Leaders

The Process
