Parishes are invited to use the resources below so that parishioners may join in prayer for vocations and to help young people discover their God-…
What differentiates the diocesan priesthood from religious order priests? What makes marriage unique among all vocations? What does pretzel making…
The Catholic Church in the United States celebrates National Vocation Awareness Week on November 3-9, 2024. It is an annual weeklong celebration of…
"The World Day of Prayer for Vocations invites us to reflect on the precious gift of the Lord’s call to each of us, as members of his faithful…
PORTLAND---The World Day of Prayer for Vocations will be celebrated by the Catholic Church on Sunday, April 21, 2024.. The Fourth Sunday of Easter is…
The name of the body will be the “Diocesan Vocations Council.”
Under the direction of the Bishop of Portland, the Diocesan Vocations…
April 25 is the World Day of Prayer for Vocations when the Church prays for vocations to ordained ministries, consecrated life in all its forms,…
National Vocation Awareness Week (November 7-13) reminds us that the encouragement and formation of vocations in the Church is a responsibility of…
Diocese of Portland Prayer For Vocations
The prayer specifically written for our diocese by Bishop Joseph Gerry, OSB
Loving Father, you sent your…
What Is a Vocation?
How do I know what God is calling me to be?
Can I be happy in my life if I don’t follow the vocation Jesus…
A Vital Need to Nurture Vocations
One of the joys of my ministry during these first months in the diocese has been my visits to our schools. I…
Approximately six months since I was ordained and installed as the Bishop of Portland. As I attend meetings and events and visit places in and…
Christmas in our diocese was especially joyful this year. On Epiphany, we ordained Matthew Valles to the Order of Deacon. With God’s grace guiding…
Living out our universal call to holiness
As a people of faith, we often ask ourselves, “What should we do?” As we grow and mature, we ask the…
“Give your all and God gives you one hundredfold.”
Time and time again, that is what Sister Linda Mae Plourde says she has found throughout her…
"The Joy of Love" - Chapter Three
Pope Francis devotes Chapter III of The Joy of Love to a summary of Church teaching on marriage and the family.…
If you are a parent or an educator and someone you know is discerning the priesthood or religious life, it can be difficult to know what to do or…
Stacks of paperwork surround Deacon Al Burleigh as he sits at his desk at Saint Mary of the Visitation Parish in Houlton. On the sheets, are…
Totus Tuus is a Catholic youth program for students from 1st through 12th grade dedicated to teaching the Gospel and deepening love for the Church…
Vocation Story of the Month: Fr. David Raymond
I was born and raised in the northern tip of Aroostook County in the small community of…
“It’s just all the Lord.”
Deacon Patrick Finn says he owes his vocation to God’s grace and providence.
“It’s pretty remarkable,” he says. “I tell…
One of the most challenging realities in our lives is that of suffering – our own and the suffering of others. For us as human beings, suffering is…
Do you see yourself as a Woman Religious in the 21st Century?
Diocesan Delegate for Religious
Brother Jim Peterson, OFM Cap.
Phone: 207-773-6471…
Diocesan Priest: Great resources for those who are discerning a vocation to the diocesan priesthood.
Vocation Boom: Tons of…
Vocations Prayer
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Gracious and loving God, help the
men and women of our parish to hear the
call to…