Vocations Council Bylaws
The name of the body will be the “Diocesan Vocations Council.”
Under the direction of the Bishop of Portland, the Diocesan Vocations Council advises and collaborates with the director of Vocations in fostering and promoting vocations to the priesthood and religious life throughout the Diocese of Portland.
The Diocesan Vocations Council consists of 12-20 practicing Catholic laity and clergy from the Diocese of Portland who are in good standing and who demonstrate a love for the priesthood and religious life.
Members are recommended by the Director of Vocations and appointed by the Bishop of Portland. Members are appointed for 3-year terms, which are indefinitely renewable. Members are asked to attend at least three of the five meetings each year.
The Diocesan Vocations Council will include representatives of the following offices or groups:
Diocesan Priests (2)
Diocesan Deacon
Woman Religious
Vocations Administration Staff member
Diocesan Office of Public Relations
Diocesan Office of Lifelong Faith Formation
Catholic Foundation or Development Office
Diocesan Catholic School Teacher or Administrator
Knights of Columbus
The Presence Catholic Radio
Parent of Seminarian
College Student
High School Youth
The Diocesan Vocations Council will be chaired by a layperson appointed by the Bishop of Portland. The chairperson serves for 2-year terms, renewable. Duties of the chairperson include the drafting of agendas in consultation with the Director of Vocations, efficient and productive leadership of meetings, and the oversight of any subcommittees and/or special task groups.
The director of vocations will be present at all meetings of the Diocesan Vocations Council, where he provides guidance and direction.
A Vocations Office staff member serves as ex officio secretary for the council. He or she records and distributes minutes of meetings or designates another council member to do so if he or she cannot be present at a meeting.
The Diocesan Vocations Council meets five (5) times per year: in August, October, November, March, and May. Dates for the following year’s meetings will be determined by the council at the May meeting each year.
Adoption and Amendments
This Constitution will be adopted when approved by the bishop.
The Diocesan Vocations Council may make a recommendation to the Director of Vocations to amend this Constitution at any time provided that two-thirds of the members vote for the amendment. All proposed amendments must be submitted in writing and are subject to the approval of the bishop.