Grieving Child Loss

It is normal to grieve the death of a child, including those lost through miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion. You do not need to grieve this loss alone. These are a sampling of resources for support developed by or for Catholics.

Pope Francis to Talita Kum, a group for grieving parents, March 2, 2024: "The loss of a child is an experience that defies theoretical descriptions and rejects the triviality of religious or sentimental words, of sterile encouragements or phrases of circumstance, which, while intending to console, end up hurting, even more, those who, like you, face a tough internal battle every day, (…) Pain, especially when it is so deep and devoid of explanations, needs to cling to the thread of a prayer that cries out to God, day and night, (…) not attempting to resolve the drama but, to dwell on questions that always return. There is nothing worse than silencing pain, putting a silencer on suffering, removing traumas without facing them, as our world often encourages in its rush and numbness. (…) In the face of grief [God's response] is not a theoretical discourse but a compassionate presence, walking alongside those who grieve and lifting the burdens that oppress them."

Online resources

NOTE: Hyperlinks are included for your convenience; neither Project Rachel Ministry nor the Diocese of Portland is responsible for the content of the related sites. 

Redbird Ministries

Miscarriage Hurts in English and Spanish

Emmaus Ministry for Grieving Parents

Elizabeth Ministry International

"The Hollow Men: Male Grief and Trauma Following Abortion" article available in English and Spanish

Books available for purchase

Never-Ending Love: Sharing Stories, Prayers, and Comfort for Miscarriage and Infant Loss, edited by Anne Louise Mahoney, Twenty-third Publications (2023)

The Grief of Dads: Support and Hope for Catholic Fathers Navigating Child Loss by Patrick O'Hearn, etal, Ave Maria Press (2023)

Time to Say Goodbye: A Grief Activity Workbook for Kids and Their Families by Mary Kathleen Glavich, Twenty-third Publications (2021)

Forgiven and Set Free: A Post-Abortion Bible Study for Women by Linda Cochrane, Barker Books (2015)

Healing a Father's Heart: A Post-Abortion Bible Study for Men by Linda Cochrane and Kathy Jones, Barker Books (1996)

Resources for Parishes

Blessing of Parents after Miscarriage or Stillbirth (US Conference of Catholic Bishops)

Grieving Grace from Elizabeth Ministry International (2023): a Christ-centered, perinatal bereavement support group to give those who are mourning a miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death an opportunity to share their story, experience community, grow spiritually, be consoled with a Catholic perspective, and find healing through the grace of God.

A New Parish Guide to Grief Ministry by Anne Marie S. Mahoney, Ave Maria Press (2023)