On the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord, we celebrate the birth of Christ. It is the feast of the Incarnation, the feast of God becoming flesh. The Christmas season is a time to reflect on the gift of salvation that is born with him, including the fact that Christ was born to die for us.
The children of Prince of Peace Parish will put on a Christmas pageant prior to the 4 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass at Holy Family Church, 607 Sabattus Street in Lewiston.
St. Peter the Fisherman Parish will hold an Advent Retreat for Children on Thursday, December 12, 5 p.m. to 6 p.m., at Holy Name of Jesus Church, 8 Free Street in Machias.
Our Lady of the Valley Parish will hold a Children’s Mass Play on Christmas Eve at 4 p.m. at St. Luce Church in Frenchville. Children in grades pre-K to 12 will be participating in the Mass and the Nativity play as Mary, Joseph, angels, shepherds, the Magi, choir members, altar servers, readers, ushers, and more.
Children will perform a Christmas pageant during the 4 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass at St. Louis Church in Fort Kent.