Bishop Robert Deeley will celebrate the Mass of the Oils on Wednesday, March 27, at Holy Rosary Church, 34 Vaughn Street in Caribou. All are welcome.
Bishop James Ruggieri will celebrate Palm Sunday Mass at 10 a.m. at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Portland.
Knights of Columbus Council 1753 will host a chicken stew and ployes lunch on Sunday, January 28, from 11 a.m. until the food is sold out.
Dress to the nines and dine with those you love in the spirit of Saint Valentine at the Parish of the Holy Eucharist's St. Valentine's Day Ball.
Knights of Columbus Sekenger Council 1947 will hold a free throw championship for boys and girls ages 9-14 on Saturday, January 20, at the St. John's Community Center in Brunswick.
Knights of Columbus Council 1873 will sponsor their annual Celebration of Marriage Dinner on Saturday, February 8, at the St. Mary of the Visitation Parish center, 110 Military Street in Houlton.
Saint Paul the Apostle Parish will be hosting a special event to celebrate the feast day of the conversion of its patron saint, St. Paul. Mass will be held at St. Mary Church, 768 Ohio Street, Bangor, at 8:30 am followed by a light brunch in the church hall. All are welcome to attend!