Bishop Deeley visits Mount Merici Academy in Waterville

On Friday, Bishop Robert Deeley visited Mount Merici Academy in Waterville meeting with more than 150 students ranging in ages from infants to 8th graders. Mount Merici Academy, an Ursuline Catholic school, serves nearly 170 children and students from daycare through eighth grade.
Each class met with Bishop Deeley, asked questions and presented projects and subjects they were learning.
The kindergarten worked on a painting project for Lent while the first graders greeted Bishop Deeley by singing a variety of lively songs. The pre-K class showed the bishop a prayer in sign language. During lunchtime, Bishop Deeley enjoyed pizza dippers with the sixth graders while they explained about their upcoming participation in the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday.
The 7th grade class interviewed the bishop for their social media channel. When Bishop Deeley stopped in the 3rd grade classroom, they were in the middle of a spelling test. The second graders talked with Bishop Deeley about Bethlehem and asked questions like, “what is your favorite church?”
Bishop Deeley met with the younger children in the school. He read a book to the nursery school students and stopped by the ‘Cub Den’ to visit babies as young as five months old.
Mount Merici Academy prides itself on teaching students a commitment to serve. Students, teachers and staff illustrated bringing that idea to life and showed Bishop Deeley they are working to make a difference.
Mount Merici Academy is uniquely governed by a lay Board of Trustees under the guidance of the Ursuline Sisters of the Central Province and receives no financial support from the Diocese of Portland or from any local parish.