When someone loses a loved one it is never easy and coping at times may be a struggle. It can be helpful, amid great grief, to withdraw from the world for a few hours and rest with God. In that spirit, grief ministry programs are being planned for churches in Portland, Brunswick, and Newcastle, where participants will find friendly, caring groups who will walk alongside them offering support, comfort, and guidance as they struggle through one of life’s most difficult experiences.
When someone loses a loved one it is never easy and coping at times may be a struggle. It can be helpful, amid great grief, to withdraw from the world for a few hours and rest with God.
All are welcome to gather and are also invited to bring a Yankee swap item and a canned good donation.
The play, presented by parish children, will be followed by Mass at 4 p.m.
The celebration begins with Mass at 11 a.m. followed by soup and fellowship in the parish hall.
All those ages 60 or older are welcome to gather in the hall of St. Athanasius and St. John Church, located on 126 Maine Avenue in Rumford.
Advent Lessons & Carols, a blend of Scripture readings, prayer, and hymns which tell the story of salvation from Creation to the birth of Christ, will be held at St. Joseph Church, 231 Main Street in Ellsworth, on Tuesday, December 5, at 6:30 p.m.