Annual Parish Faith Formation Report

In 2023, the Office of Lifelong Faith Formation (OLFF) reinstituted an annual parish faith formation report.  Each January parishes in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland provide information for the current fiscal in six areas:

  1. Parish Info
  2. Sacramental Formation
  3. Faith Instruction
  4. Ongoing Formation
  5. Resources
  6. Catechetical Leaders

Specified parish employees submit the report by updating spreadsheets in a customized Excel workbook. Click to see what a generic form looks like. Layout is for printing on legal-sized paper

After the submission deadline, OLFF collates the reports to take "snapshots" of the state of parish faith formation in the diocese. These snapshots are part of an annual "State of Parish Faith Formation" report shared with the bishop and other catechetical leaders in the diocese.

OLFF staff also aggregate the data in submitted reports to make it easier to respond to inquiries from the bishop and parish catechetical leaders.