Silver & Gold Anniversary Mass

Marriage establishes a holy covenant among three: one man, one woman, and God himself. The annual Silver & Gold Anniversary Mass is a testimony to the goodness of Christian marriage and the blessings it can bring. It is an opportunity to thank God for graces given and to ask for the continuing gift of grace to persevere in the commitments that have been made.

What is the Silver & Gold Mass?

Catholics marking milestone wedding anniversaries are invited to participate in the annual Silver & Gold Anniversary Mass celebrated by the bishop of the diocese. Bishop James Ruggieri will offer a special blessing to all married couples in the church. A light reception will follow the celebration.

When is the next Mass?

The Mass was celebrated on Saturday, June 28, 2025, at 4 p.m. at Holy Family Church in Old Town.

Who should register to attend?

Couples living in Maine who are celebrating the milestone anniversaries of 10 years, 25 years, 40 years, and 50 or more years of sacramental marriage were invited to register to attend the Mass in person and/or to be included in the downloadable commemorative program.

Register Here

Other FAQs

What if our anniversary this year marks something other than 10, 25, 40, or 50+ years?
While all are invited to participate in the Mass which celebrates the gift of Christian marriage, only those celebrating milestone anniversaries of 10 years, 25 years, 40 years, and 50 or more years will receive special recognition in the commemorative program and slideshow.

Can I invite family and friends to join us?
Yes. You may include family and friends in your reservation so we can prepare to include them in the light reception that will follow the celebration. 

Do we have to register to get access to the special Mass or to receive the blessing?
No. Any couple that participates in the Mass in person may receive the graces of the special blessing.

Will the celebration be livestreamed? 
No. This is a fully in-person celebration.

How do we submit a photo for slideshow?
Photos for the slideshow must be received in the Chancery by 5 p.m. on June 16th to be included in the slideshow of honored couples. Note: print photos will not be returned.

May I submit a registration for my parents or close friends?
Yes. If they are Catholic, live in Maine, and you have their permission to publish their names and anniversary to the public.

Will I get a reminder of what to do when we arrive at the church on June 28?
Yes, if you provided an email address in your registration. On June 16, you will receive a reminder email from [email protected] with directions on what to do once you arrive at the church.

How do I get the commemorative program?
The 2024 program is available here. The 2025 version will be posted.

Click the play button below to look at the video for 2024.