Walking with Adults through the Covid19 Crisis

This page last updated May 14, 2020 8:45am

Podcast recording for May 8 weekly webinar "Covid 19 and Elder Communities" from Episcopal Relief and Development

Free online prayer book from the Vatican "Strong in the Face of Tribulation:The Church in Communion - A Sure Support in Time of Trial" available Spanish,  French, and English

Article "Social Distancing as a Spiritual Practice"

Sample script for calling parishioners from Georgette Dionne (Parish of the Holy Eucharist)

U.S. Catholic Catechism for Adults (available in print and digital forms)

Ascension Presents YouTube Channel

Our Catholic Faith resource archive Loyola Press

Augustine Institute is offering a 40 day free trial for any parish not yet subscribed to FORMED, a Catholic resource and study portal. Contact  Lydia  603-216-7320 for information of see for examples of what is available https://leaders.formed.org/faith-at-home/ 

25 Ways to "Fight" Fair from USCCB

Ideas and research for adult formation Sr Janet Schaeffler

McGrath Institute  offering online course Journey with the Saint John's Bible free through May 31