May 2024 - Easter: A host of new beginnings

It is with great joy that we recently gathered as a family of faith to celebrate the joyful resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. For 40 long days, we sacrificed and prayed for a deeper love for Him who loved us to the end, only to offer all of us a new beginning. The Paschal Mystery of Jesus, meaning His life, death, and resurrection, was offered to us by the Father, through His Son to show us a new way.
This new way involves loving God above all things, and our neighbor as ourselves. As the Easter season continues, may we continue in His love and do all we can to share it with others, especially those most marginalized in our world and in our local communities. Let our prayer this Easter season be that we will be able to rest in the joy of the Risen Lord and come to know His love and mercy in all aspects of our lives. Please remember in a special way in your prayers those who were newly welcomed into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil throughout our diocese. As they continue their new journey, let’s make them feel most welcome.
In addition, on May 7, we all celebrate a new beginning as we receive Bishop-elect James Ruggieri as our new chief shepherd in the Diocese of Portland. What an awesome invitation he has received for the awesome undertaking of becoming the 13th bishop of Portland. Young in spirit and young in heart, we anticipate the joyful vigor he will bring to all the Catholics of Maine. Stepping into the role of a successor of the apostles is certainly an incredible honor and undoubtedly a humbling experience. He will certainly be in need of our prayers on May 7, the day of his episcopal ordination, and beyond.
Easter brings to all of us the joy of a new beginning. Let us prayerfully thank our Father in Heaven for sending us His Son, who rose from the dead for the salvation of all. May we also thank Him for a renewed life in Christ as we recommit ourselves to His will, welcome into the fold the newly baptized and confirmed, and welcome a new shepherd to our diocese.
Father Philip Clement is pastor of Our Lady of the Lakes Parish in Oquossoc.