"The Light is On for You" Expands Opportunities for Reconciliation

During the third week of Advent (December 18-23, 2023), parishes across the Diocese of Portland will offer additional times for the sacrament of reconciliation. Parishes all over the United States have participated in "The Light is On for You" campaign as a way to promote penance as a means of experiencing God's infinite mercy.
Confession is an important part of preparing for the celebration of Jesus' birth on Christmas. It can also represent the first step for someone returning to the Church. The diocese is providing web pages organized both by county and by parish for "The Light is On for You" reconciliation offerings.
Originally an initiative of the Archdiocese of Washington, DC and the Diocese of Arlington, VA, resources developed for "The Light is On For You" campaign have been made available for dioceses across the United States to tailor for the needs of local parishes.