Style Guide


Heading 1

  • Weight 700
  • Size 36 px
  • Height 45 px

Heading 2

  • Weight 700
  • Size 30 px
  • Height 38 px

Heading 3

  • Weight 700
  • Size 24 px
  • Height 30 px

Heading 4

  • Weight 700
  • Size 21 px
  • Height 23 px
Heading 5
  • Weight 500
  • Size 14 px
  • Height 18 px
Heading 6
  • Weight 500
  • Size 12 px
  • Height 18 px


Work Sans

  • Weight 400
  • Size 18 px
  • Height 26 px


Block Quote

The text may appear smaller but the font size and weight are the same as the Normal body text.  The Line height is one increment less.  The general rule is - Longer lines need more line height, shorter lines need less.




Site colors







Full Style guide (PDF) 

Image sizing: Remember to use a larger image in these specific area that still meets the ratios of the minimums. Smaller dimensions are allowed, but may result in blurriness and/or distortion.

Minimum dimension for featured news:

Minimum width: 1720 pixels

Minimum height: 960 pixels

Minimum dimension for featured event images:

Minimum width: 1720 pixels

Minimum height: 960 pixels

Minimum dimension for featured image on a Page images:

Minimum width: 1140 pixels

Minimum height: 640 pixels 

Minimum dimension for any image gallery images:

Minimum width: 950 pixels

Minimum height: 580 pixels 

MAXIMUM dimensions for images in text body

Maximum width: 400 pixels

Maximum height: 267 pixels