St. Crescentia Hoess
Saint Crescentia Hoess - Feast Day: April 6
Born Anna Hoess in 1682 in a little town near Augsburg, Crescentia was raised devoutly by her parents Matthias and Lucia in Bavaria. As a child, she spent time praying in the parish church, and as a result, she was permitted to make her first Communion at the age of seven, early at the time.
From an early age, Anna wanted to become a nun at the local Franciscan convent. She was denied admittance, as her family did not have the customary dowry. Her plight was heard by the mayor of Kaufbeuren, who arranged for her acceptance. She took the name, Maria Crescentia.
At first, she was treated poorly by the sisters, who felt they were forced into accepting her into the convent, and she assigned her menial tasks. Despite this, she always kept her cheerful spirit. When a new superior was elected, Cresentia's life improved, and she was appointed mistress of novices. Soon, the sisters saw her leadership and wisdom, and upon the death of the superior, Crescentia was unanimously chosen to succeed her.
Crescentia suffered from headaches and then paralysis, but they did not steal her joyful spirit. She died on Easter Sunday in 1744. She was beatified in 1900 and canonized by Pope Saint John Paul II in 2001.