Maine Catholic Schools Week

Now in its 51st year, Maine Catholic Schools Week, January 26 - February 1, 2025, celebrates the mission of Catholic schools: to evangelize students by nourishing faith and encouraging academic excellence while accentuating the importance of community and service in a nurturing environment.
Each day of Catholic Schools Week is dedicated to a different theme. On Sunday, schools celebrate their parishes, oftentimes by having students actively participate in one of the Sunday Masses. Monday is a day during which schools celebrate community. Tuesday is a day dedicated to celebrating students. On Wednesday, schools celebrate our nation. Thursday is a celebration of vocations, and on Friday, celebrating faculty, staff and volunteers. See photos below.
Each of Maine's Catholic schools will hold a variety of fun activities, family gatherings, and special service projects during Catholic Schools Week. You will find a list of some of them below.
All Saints Catholic School, Bangor
Sunday, January 26 - Students will wear their uniforms to the 10:30 a.m. Mass at St. John Church, 217 York Street in Bangor.
Monday, January 27 - Dress like a snowman and the school's soup drive begins.
Tuesday, January 28 - Wear your cozy sweater to school.
Wednesday, January 29 - Joint school Mass at 8:30 a.m. at St. John Church, 217 York Street in Bangor, and school open house
Thursday, January 30 - Pre-K through third graders wear their pajamas to school while fourth through eighth graders wear sweatshirts and pants for a movie and hot cocoa.
Friday, January 31 - Flannel day
Holy Cross School, South Portland
Sunday, January 26 - Opening Mass at 10 a.m. at Holy Cross Church in South Portland and school open house at 11 a.m.
Monday, January 27 - Mass at 9 a.m., fundraising penny challenge kicks off, door decorating.
Tuesday, January 28 - Penny challenge continues, door decorating, pizza lunch, and faculty-staff volleyball.
Wednesday, January 29 - Games in the gym and KIVA loan program participation. Penny challenge continues.
Thursday, January 30 - Chief Mark Holmquist, a former guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, speakers to students; Holy Cross trivia game; penny challenge continues
Friday, January 31 - The Penny Challenge concludes, staff appreciation breakfast, door judging, and school outing.
Mount Merici Academy, Waterville
Throughout the week, the school will be hold a door decorating competition; staff will submit baby pictures and students will guess who it is. Pre-K through first graders will make cards to celebrate St. Angela's Feast Day and third through fifth graders will make Catholic Schools Week cards for Father Patrick Agbodi, SMA.
Saturday, January 25 - An Italian dinner will be held from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Monday, January 27 - A celebration of the Feast of St. Angela, a Teddy Bear Relay for younger students, and Mount Merici Academy Spirit Wear Day.
Tuesday, January 28 -- Stop drop and read, Mass in the chapel at 12:15 p.m.
Wednesday, January 29 - Pajama Day, Jeopardy and Family Feud competitions.
Thursday, January 30 - It's Crazy Hat Day. Younger students will have a game day in their classrooms. Students in grades K-8 will participate in a Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament. There will also be a bingo night from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Friday, January 31- St. Angela presentation at a school assembly, staff vs. students volleyball game, and a popcorn & dance party.
St. Brigid School, Portland
Sunday, January 26 - Students will participate in the 9:30 a.m. Mass at St. Pius X Church, 492 Ocean Avenue in Portland.
Monday, January 27 - Opening prayer service and beginning of schoolwide charitable collection for Grace House & Friendship House. Catholic Bingo for all grades.
Tuesday - January 28 - Presentation by Tracy Guerrette from FIERCE Athlete for fifth-eighth grade girls, Maine Academy of Gymnastics field trip for preschoolers and kindergarten students, relay races for first through fifth graders, and a middle school volleyball tournament.
Wednesday - January 29 - Happy Wheels field trip, life-sized Candyland game for preschoolers and kindergarten students, Catholic escape room activity, and basketball games at 4 p.m. and 5:30 p.m..
Thursday, January 30 - Students will make St. Brigid crosses to celebrate their patron's feast day. They will also hold a tea party for the Sisters of Mercy.
Friday - January 31 - The entire school will participate in Dance Mania in the gymnasium and acknowledge the service of Catholic school teachers.
Sunday, February 2 - St. Brigid Family Day at The Rink at Thompson's Point in Portland.
St. Dominic Academy, Auburn
Sunday, January 26 - Students will participate in the 5 p.m. Mass at Holy Family Church in Lewiston.
Monday, January 27 - Students will participate in Penny Wars to benefit area shelters.
Tuesday, January 28 - Students artwork will be on display.
Wednesday, January 29 - A mitten and sock drive will be held.
Thursday, January 30 - Families can participate in "Lunch with Your Student."
Friday, January 31 - Students will participate in a school-wide Mass and do service projects by grade.
St. Dominic Academy, Lewiston
Sunday, January 26 - Students will participate in the 5 p.m. Mass at Holy Family Church in Lewiston.
Monday, January 27 - Students will make Valentine's Day cards for residents in area nursing home.
Tuesday, January 28 - Veterans will be invited to join in morning pray, and various flags will be displayed in the hallways.
Wednesday, January 29 - Students will participate in Catholic trivia and write thank you notes to teachers, staff, and volunteers.
Thursday, January 30 - There will be a presentation by "Mr. Drew and His Animals, Too," a nonprofit that takes in and cares for injured exotic animals.
Friday, January 31 - Students will participate in a school-wide Mass.
St. James School Biddeford
Saturday, January 25 - A student Mass will be held at Most Holy Trinity Church in Saco at 4 p.m. followed by a turkey dinner.
Monday, January 27 - Jersey dress-up day
Tuesday, January 28 - St. James School uniform day
Wednesday, January 29- Red, white, and blue day.
Thursday, January 30 - Celebrating vocations and career dress-up day
Friday, January 31 -School colors casual day.
St. John's Catholic School, Brunswick
Throughout the week, students will be collecting good for the Midcoast Hunger Prevention Program
Sunday, January 26 - Students wear their school uniforms to the 11 a.m. Mass at St. John the Baptist Church in Brunswick
Monday, January 27 - Students "dress like their future selves"; members of the community do Career Day presentations; Religion Fair projects put display in the lobby of the St. John's Community Center.
Tuesday, January 28 - Hat Day, school Mass, trivia competition, and a variety show at 6 p.m.
Wednesday, January 29 - Students celebrate the nation by wearing red, white, & blue. Leadership in Action presentation.
Thursday, January 30 - Students wear jerseys from their favorite esports teams, winter carnival.
Friday, January 31 - Students wear flannel shirts and jeans; "Minute to Win It" competition.
Saturday, February 1 - Spend time with your family day.
St. Michael School, Augusta
Throughout the week, students will write letters to family members and teachers and participate in a scavenger hunt with good deed missions.
Sunday, January 26 - Students are encouraged to attend the 9 a.m. Mass at St. Mary of the Assumption Church in Augusta.
Monday, January 27 - Students will learn about parish food ministry and play Bingo in the gym.
Tuesday, January 28 - Students will participate in bowling.
Wednesday, January 29 - A veteran from the Army National Guard will visit and students will later enjoy a puppet show.
Thursday, January 30 - Local elected officials will come to visit and there will be a hula hoop game.
Friday, January 31 - Bingo in the gym and hula hoop game competitions conclude.
St. Thomas School, Sanford
Throughout the week, the students will collect Pennies for Waypoint, which offers programs for adults with developmental or intellectual disabilities.
Monday, January 27 - Pep Rally, door decorating, and Stop, Drop, and Read.
Tuesday, January 28 - Children makes Valentine's Day placemats for seniors and the Meals on Wheels program, Classroom buddy activity.
Wednesday, January 29 - Mass at St. Thomas School, door decorating, and classroom movie
Thursday, January 30 - Talent show and class chant performance
Friday, January 31 - Carline Karaoke, bowling, and St. Thomas night at the Maine Celtics game.