Welcome to St. Brigid School. We hope you will join us by choosing to be a member of this Catholic school, where you will embark on a life changing experience for your child that will inform her or him for life.
Our school is committed to the formation of the whole child and the entire school program promotes development in the following areas: Faith Life, Academic Excellence, Physical and Social/Emotional Well-Being.
The staff of our school, and I, look forward to working with you to see your family grow in the light of Christ promoting a love for one another and a love for learning in keeping with our patron St. Brigid.
William Burke, Principal
Our Mission
The mission of St. Brigid School is to educate the whole child in an inclusive community environment that integrates the truths and traditions of the Catholic Church and provides students with a strong foundation for life.
Faith development is woven into all facets of the St. Brigid student/ family experience. The school community begins each morning with student led prayer. Students attend Mass weekly and on Holy Days of Obligation, where they also serve as readers, altar servers, and the choir. Religious instruction is taught at every grade level with a USCCB-approved religion curriculum.
Students are taught to form a relationship with Jesus and to bring what they have learned into the relationships they are forming with their classmates and at home. Students learn what it means to be a disciple of Christ and to engage fully in a Catholic community. First and 2nd grades are prepared for the sacraments of Penance, Eucharist, and Confirmation. Students also participate in focused service projects, including recently supporting the people of Puerto Rico; Operation ShoeBox to support the armed services; and children at the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital.
At St. Brigid, we offer a full range of educational opportunities for students from 3-years-old through 8th grade.
Our 3-year-old and Pre-K programs are designed for students to develop, grow, and share in early learning as full members of our Catholic School. These programs nurture and support the whole child through play, child-centered educational experiences, and age appropriate curriculum, including additional classes that build self-confidence, self-awareness, and communication skills.
Continuing the philosophy of educating the whole child, St. Brigid School offers K-8 students a core curriculum of math, science, language arts, religion, and social studies. In addition, classes in art, music, technology, Spanish, Latin, library skills, practical skills, handwriting, and physical education, ensure that students receive a strong foundation in learning for life. Our challenging curriculum engages students in ways that are meaningful and adaptable to a variety of learning styles. Opportunities for our older students to work with younger students as Reading Partners, Classroom Buddies, and Prayer Buddies enhances our community. Title 1 reading services are also available to qualifying students.
We offer a variety of enrichment activities and sports programs. Ideals of faith, respect and fair participation, ethical conduct, and good sportsmanship are expected. Athletics include soccer, cross country, indoor and outdoor track, basketball, baseball, and softball.
Activities include, Annual Drama Production, band, math team, yearbook club, chorus, and Lego robotics, Girls on the Run and the Kindness Club. Students participate annually in the Geography Bee and Spelling Bee.
The Home and School Association sponsors many social events to bring us together in community such as the Ice Cream Social, Back to School Night, Halloween Party, Catholic Schools Week, Grandparents/Special Persons Day, Field Day and Santa’s Workshop.