It is a day that holds special significance in the Diocese of Portland because St. Patrick, along with St. Jean Baptiste, is a secondary patron of the Diocese of Portland, chosen because French missionaries and, later, French and Irish immigrants brought the Catholic faith to Maine and helped it take root and grow.
March 27March 31, 2023

From Monday, March 27, to Friday, March 31, all Maine Catholics are invited to experience God’s love, mercy, and forgiveness through the sacrament of reconciliation (confession).

April 2, 2023

Palm Sunday, which will be celebrated on April 2, 2023, marks the beginning of Holy Week and the celebration of our Lord’s Paschal Mystery. The day gets its name from the palm branches placed at Jesus’ feet as he made his triumphant entrance into Jerusalem. During Palm Sunday Masses, parishioners receive palm fronds to take home and keep until the following Lent. The palms are then burned, with the ashes used on Ash Wednesday.