Bishop Ruggieri joins the Chorale Notre Dame de la Paix for anniversary celebration in Lewiston

The African community of the Prince of Peace parish welcomed all for a joyous Mass in four languages at Holy Family Church in Lewiston on Sunday, August 18. The Mass, concelebrated by Bishop James Ruggieri and Father Dominique Savio Habyarimana, SJ of the Jesuit community of Boston College, featured vibrant music and traditional African dance. The event marked the second anniversary celebration of the Chorale Notre Dame de la Paix, a choir performing hymns in Kirundi, French and Swahili.

"It was truly a celebration. I was so impressed by the African community and the many children who happily danced and celebrated. The other impressive detail was the presence of non-African members who came and celebrated with their fellow parishioners. Their support was appreciated," said Bishop Ruggieri. "I am grateful to Father Dan Greenleaf for his leadership. The faith is alive and well at Prince of Peace Parish."

During the Mass, Dancile Nshimirimana, a member of the choir, presented a plaque to Father Dan, pastor of Prince of Peace Parish, for his commitment to and support of the African community in his parish. Nshimirimana also serves as the parish’s outreach coordinator to the Catholic immigrant community.

“It was such a humbling experience to see the bishop and all the priests come to support the African community not only for the Mass but also they stayed for the reception,” Nshimirimana reflected following the event. “The parishioners from Prince of Peace were also present and you could see how happy everyone was.”

“The Holy Spirit was definitely there. The choir members did nine days rosary to pray for the celebration and we saw God’s presence in everything we did,” she continued.

African Mass is celebrated once a month by Father Dominique in the parish and there are on-going support services to welcome new recent immigrants and help with the sacramental process.

“Sunday’s Mass at Holy Family, accompanied by the Chorale Notre Dame de la Paix, was very moving,” said Camden Martin, director of enrollment at St. Dominic Academy. “What a privilege to see brothers and sisters in Christ worshipping the Lord with such reverence and liveliness. I am deeply honored to have witnessed and participated in this event.”

Mass was followed by a reception with African food, music and culture.

To learn more about the Chorale Notre Dame de la Paix and Lewiston-Auburn’s Catholic African community, visit Raising the Spirits of Members of the African Catholic Community in Lewiston and Beyond | Diocese of Portland (

choir singing in pews
Bishop clapping on the altar
Woman speaking at microphone
Male choir members singing
Woman speaking at microphone
Women singing in choir
Men singing in choir
Couple carrying gifts
Group of women carrying offerings on their heads
Children dancing near altar
Men singing in choir
Man performing an african dance
Woman presenting plaque to priest
Woman drumming
Three priests seated at table
Bishop offering a blessing
Male and female dancing
Priests serving themselves food
Woman and two priests seated