A Statement from Bishop Deeley on Radical LD 1619 Abortion Bill

This is a sad day. The majority of Maine citizens are against abortion without restrictions. A point underscored when hundreds and hundreds of everyday Mainers attended a public hearing held on this extreme measure. Even before this law passed, Maine is one of the most permissive states and allowed abortion for any reason until viability.
This is immoral. This is not a fetus. It is an unborn child with everything ready for birth. That is not an issue between a woman and her medical provider. It is a woman, her medical provider, and an unborn child. This measure eliminates any protections for children who cannot speak for themselves but will suffer because of it.
I am grateful for the people of goodwill that spoke in public hearings and contacted their local representatives in the state legislature about the immeasurable pain this senseless and unnecessary law will bring to Maine and its people. Sadly, most did not follow the scientific fact that life begins at conception or listen to the overwhelming opposition, but responded swiftly to the whispers of special interests in their corner instead.
As my brother bishops have said, “In this shifting political landscape, we persist confidently in our efforts to defend life. The work that lies ahead continues to be not just changing laws but also helping to change hearts, with steadfast faith in the power of God to do so. The task before us begins with our knowledge of the truth and our courage to speak it and to live it with compassion. Each of us is called to radical solidarity with women facing an unexpected or challenging pregnancy. That means doing whatever we can to provide them with the care and support they need to welcome their children.”
The Diocese of Portland will continue to accompany any woman, regardless of faith, who is experiencing difficulties in pregnancy through our various Catholic agencies in Maine, including pregnancy help centers and parish-based initiatives like Walking with Moms in Need. We will also support and assist those who have been involved in an abortion through our Project Rachel program. God is merciful, and it is of paramount importance that people who experience distress grow in understanding of this truth and are guided on a path to emotional and spiritual healing. To learn more about programs and initiatives in the Diocese of Portland and across the country that care for and promote healing for women and families in need, visit www.portlanddiocese.org/DobbsDecision.