Home Page Content


Current Home Page Banner is named Flex and is using 6 images.

  • 5 are 800 x 800 pixels or a square ratio
  • 1 is 1600 x 800 or 16:8 
  • All images are 72 dpi.

Overlying text (Title 20 px), and (Teaser 16 px)

All images will be action items and link when a URL is added.

Adding text to the image before uploading is discouraged.


Featured News

News From Around the Diocese



Include as much information as possible so people will want to share your event.

Content / Add / Events

Create Event

Leave blank when cost is zero so nothing will display on event.

Use Tabs to make your custom selections:
Location / Tags / Event Contact / Presenter / Image/File / Scheduled Publishing

Check box - Hide from main calendar.  Items will not appear on main diocesan calendar

Add images - By adding more context around images, results can become much more useful, which can lead to higher quality traffic to your site.  This is an event I would want to share 

Blue Menu Selection
Select which Blue Menu will be displayed when viewing this Event

URL Alias
Uncheck Generate automatic URL alias and create your own alternative path.  Useful for shortening for social media posting.

Promotion Options
Check box Promoted to front page when you want the event to appear on the Home Page. (top six items by date will display on Home Page)

Editing Prayer & Faith Resources


Block Layout / Custom Block Layout

Sort Block Type Column 

Block Type - Resources
Parishes & Mass Times - 1
Lifelong Faith Formation - 2
Safe Environment - 3
Eucharistic Revival - 4
Vocations - 5
Catholic Foundation - 6
Catholic Appeal - 7
Catholic Charities - 8

Select Edit

Type in Block Description

Add  Icon - White svg format  see sample here

Type in Large & Small Heading (will appear as white text overlaying the block)

Add Background Image (815 x 990 pixels)  see sample here

Add link to URL

Weight - selection will determine block order (l to r, top to bottom)
