Madawaska Altar Servers Gather for Appreciation Day

With the temperature hovering around 80 degrees, altar servers from Madawaska, Van Buren, and Saint Agatha areas braved the heat for an afternoon of fun and gratitude at Mizpah in Grand Isle on Sunday, July 24
The parishes of Notre Dame du Mont Carmel (St. David Church, Madawaska; St. Thomas Aquinas Church, Madawaska; St. Gerard-Mt. Carmel Church, Grand Isle), Our Lady of the Valley (St. Agatha Church, Saint Agatha; St. Joseph Church, Sinclair; St. Luce Church, Frenchville; St. Michael Church, Cherryfield) and St. Peter Chanel (St. Bruno-St. Remi Church, Van Buren; St. Joseph Church, Hamlin) hosted an appreciation day for the altar servers who contribute their time and talent in helping priests and deacons during weekend Masses.
“We thank all our altar servers for their dedicated service at the altar of the Lord!” said Fr. Antony Alexander Maria Doss, HGN, parochial vicar at the parishes. “We also thank the parents for their faithful commitment to bring the children to the church for the Mass as well as to serve.”
Joining Fr. Alex at the event was Fr. Kent Ouellette, pastor of the parishes, and Deacon Rodney Deschaine. The children were treated to burgers and hot dogs from the Knights of Columbus, snacks and salads from the Daughters of Isabella, and ice cream and other desserts from the Ladies of St. Anne in Frenchville and Saint Agatha. The altar servers also participate in games and other fun activities during the gathering.
“The children really enjoyed the day having an opportunity to meet all the altar servers from different churches,” said Fr. Alex. “It was a great event.”