St. Michael Parishioners Step Up to Support Open Arms Pregnancy Center

As part of an initiative for parishioners to learn, act, and pray on the life and dignity of the human person, St. Michael Parish in Augusta held a collection for items and financial assistance for the Open Arms Pregnancy Center in Augusta, which offers encouragement and support to pregnant women and young families. In total, the donation drive led to 5,381 diapers, nearly 300 large packages of wipes, an assortment of outfits and clothes, toys, new and slightly used pack n’ plays, bibs, rash ointments, and over $500 in cash. All of the proceeds have been delivered to Open Arms.
“This is almost a year’s worth of diapers and wipes,” said Pat Bonney, director of Open Arms. “I am so grateful to the parishioners. This is just a tremendous blessing to me and our clients.”
The initiative at St. Michael Parish also included a virtual session exploring the topic of upholding the dignity of human life from conception to natural death and will feature a special prayer service focused on the theme on Tuesday, June 28, at 7 p.m. at St. Mary Church on 41 Western Avenue in Augusta. All are welcome to gather at the service. For more information, contact the parish at (207) 623-8823. For further details about the services and opportunities at Open Arms, visit