Teens use poster power to inspire change

"If you want peace, work for justice" and "To change the world, we must be good to those who cannot repay us."
Those were among the messages shared by teens participating in "Poster Power," a Catholic Charities Maine Parish Social Ministry project that sought to tap into the creative energy of youth and the power of art to inspire change.
The project focused on art that would increase awareness of what has been called “The Two Feet of Love in Action:” charity (direct service to those in need) and social justice (identifying the causes of poverty and advocating for just solutions in accordance with the principles of Catholic social teaching).
“Whenever we offer an activity about helping others to our Catholic school students and those in faith formation groups, I am always amazed at the thoughtful responses and positive energy that come back to us!” said Bill Wood, an outreach specialist with Catholic Charities Maine.
Funded by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, groups participating in the “Poster Power” art project could receive $75 for materials.
The work will now be displayed in a variety of locations, including parishes, diocesan buildings, and Catholic Charities Maine offices.