All Saints School Jump-A-Thon Raises $15,000

Students at All Saints Catholic School in Bangor jumped, hopped, and lunged to an amazing sum of over $15,000 during the school’s Jump-A-Thon this month.
“The students sold raffle tickets for major prizes, including a kayak, an auto detailing package, and a space heater,” said Principal Matthew Houghton. “The students also set up personal jumping challenges like endurance jumping, how long they could jump in one-minute intervals; the highest number of consecutive jumps; and skills jumping like walking, running, and crossovers. They were very creative.”
There were many generous sponsors of the event as well, including DownEast Orthopedics, Bangor Savings Bank, the St. Paul the Apostle Women’s Council, Lanham Blackwell & Baber, Doug Guerrette, Chris Rioux Electric, Invironments, the Knights of Columbus, and Monsignor Andrew Dubois, pastor of St. Paul the Apostle Parish, of which All Saints Catholic School is a part.
Prizes were given to the family with the most raffle ticket sales, the class with the most funds raised, and students with the most jumps.
The money collected during the Jump-A-Thon will go towards tuition assistance and enrichment activities and programming for the students.
“It was a great event,” said Houghton. “The kids loved the excitement of the jumping challenges. The parents loved to watch their students improve their jump rope skills and endurance. And the staff loved to watch the students at recess teaching them new jump rope songs and Double Dutch!”