Totus Tuus campers from Maine enjoy a day of fun and faith with Bishop Ruggieri

Youth throughout Maine are gathering this summer to learn about and strengthen their Catholic faith through the Totus Tuus program. Totus Tuus is hosted across the country in 50 dioceses, with programs in Maine held at 10 parishes. Sponsored by the Office of Vocations & Seminarians, sessions are led by college students and seminarians. More than 300 students throughout the Diocese of Portland are expected to take part in Totus Tuus this summer.
On July 8, Bishop James Ruggieri joined in a morning session for younger participants, along with program leaders, at St. John Paul II Parish’s Saint Maximillian Kolbe Church in Scarborough.
“I celebrated Holy Mass with the campers, and it was beautiful. I’m very impressed! I met the team and the Totus Tuus campers and saw the work they are doing.” Bishop Ruggieri said. “It is so positive to see the kids’ energy and enthusiasm for this experience. It’s a beautiful blend and balance of faith and fun. We want our kids to have a good time, especially in the summer. Every chance we can help them grow in their faith is a wonderful opportunity.”
Totus Tuus is a Catholic youth program designed for students from 1st through 12th grade, dedicated to teaching the Gospel and deepening love for the Church through catechesis, prayer, Christian witness, and the sacraments. Emphasizing devotion to Christ in the Eucharist and to Mary, Mother of the Church, the program provides participants with an exhilarating encounter with the timeless treasures of the Catholic faith. Through dynamic, age-appropriate, and faithful content presented daily, young people are inspired and equipped to live out the radical call of the Gospel in today's world.
“Getting to experience the Catholic community is big part of Totus Tuus. It is such a gift to see the youth come together across Maine,” Totus Tuus team leader Autumn Cybulski said. “Leading the kids in worship during Mass has been one of my favorite parts. One time, I was playing music with them during Mass. Suddenly, I stopped and realized they had taken the song over and were singing it to the Lord on their own. It was a great moment!”
The day is full of activities including Mass, prayer, learning about the Rosary, recess, and indoor classroom time.
“Right now, we are learning the glorious mystery and the resurrection. We have snack time, lunch time and recess to play and make friends. Totus Tuus is a great place for learning about God,” 12-year-old camper from Saco, Christian Thibault, said.
This camp brought together youth from the parish and even those visiting from across the country. One camper from Texas is attending Totus Tuus while visiting family in Maine.
“We’ve been learning about God. My favorite part of the day is when I can talk with my friends during lunch. I’m looking forward to learning more from my Totus Tuus leaders,” 10-year-old camper from Houston, Texas, Mary Osborn, said. “It’s fun and you can make lots of new friends!”
Sessions already took place earlier this summer in Lewiston, Houlton, Frenchville and Livermore. The Totus Tuus camps continue with this session in Scarborough, as well as those in Caribou, Windham, Bangor, Brunswick and East Millinocket.
Registrations are still being accepted. For more information,