A Thanksgiving Message from Bishop Ruggieri

The collect (opening prayer) for today’s Liturgy says, “Father all-powerful, your gifts of love are countless and your goodness infinite; as we come before you on Thanksgiving Day with gratitude for your kindness, open our hearts to have concern for every man, women, and child so that we may share your gifts in loving service.”

As we celebrate this day, perhaps with family and friends, and as we offer God our thanks and praise, we are reminded that it is “right and just” to do so. We are also reminded that God does not need our thanks. However, may our thankful hearts move us to have more compassionate hearts. May we love those in our homes, in our places of work, and in our parishes with a more selfless love. May we never forget those who are materially and spiritually poor. As the prayer after Communion says, “O Lord our God…help us, we pray, to reach out in love to all your people, so that we may share with them the good things of time and eternity.”

Happy Thanksgiving.

-Bishop James Ruggieri