St. Thomas students meet their senior pen pals

After nine months of correspondence through the mail, seventh and eighth graders at St. Thomas School in Sanford finally had the chance to meet their pen pals, seniors at the Trafton Center, face to face on Monday, June 6.
The Trafton Center, where the “meet and greet” took place, is dedicated to providing individuals 50 and older with opportunities to socialize and participate in learning and wellness opportunities.
“Writing to my pen pal made me happy,” said Amelia Rice, a seventh grader. “Whenever I received a letter it brought a smile to my face, and I hope it did the same for others.”
“Even though we were years apart, we had many interests and experiences to share,” said Gail Bodge, one of the pen pals from the Trafton Center. “After months of corresponding, we all came together to share laughs, games, and refreshments. It was a blast!”
“This was such a great experience. It was so interesting to learn about my pen pal and hear her story,” said Natalie Payeur, an eighth grader. “I really enjoyed this project, and I hope it continues.”
“Above all, students and their pen pals approached this project with values we model and hold dear at St. Thomas: love, kindness, respect, and compassion,” said Ericka Sanborn, a middle school teacher at St. Thomas. “It was beautiful to watch each relationship unfold, proving that friendship transcends age and life experiences.”