A New Year's Message from Bishop Ruggieri

My dear brothers and sisters of the Diocese of Portland, as we begin this new year of grace, please know of my prayers for you and your loved ones. Each new beginning, while always offering many uncertainties, also offers much hope. This new year of grace is a Jubilee Year. Once every 25 years, our Church celebrates a Jubilee Year. This year, our Holy Father Pope Francis has invited us to walk as "pilgrims of hope." It is an opportune time to seek to grow in the virtue of hope. Hope allows us to keep looking ahead, often with joy and optimism, despite impending obstacles or trials. Hope allows us to find opportunities amid struggle and difficulty. Jesus is our hope!
One suggestion I would like to make for us in this new year of grace, 2025, is that we seek to befriend a saint more intentionally. As we come to know this saint by reading about him or her, we may also be moved to imitate his or her virtues. As our relationship with our "heavenly" friend grows, we may be inclined to ask for intercession and help.
The saints, except the angels, were people who lived ordinary earthly lives in extraordinary ways. The saints struggled as we struggled. The saints prevailed over their struggles and arrived at the fullness of life, eternal happiness. The fullness of life is what we are called to and for what we are made. Befriend a saint. Read his or her biography and writings. Pray regularly for his or her intercession and heavenly help. I believe if we do so, we will be more inspired to live our ordinary lives in an extraordinary way. Happy New Year!
-Bishop James Ruggieri