A Message for Thanksgiving from Bishop Robert Deeley

For centuries, in times of peace and tension, prosperity and struggle, Americans have paused on Thanksgiving to spend time with loved ones and offer gratitude for the blessings of God. This is known predominantly as a patriotic holiday, but its foundation is grounded in faith. The Continental Congress declared a Thanksgiving holiday “to acknowledge with gratitude their obligation to Almighty God for benefits received and implore farther blessings…”
This is an important message for us to keep in mind, particularly as we continue to contend with the challenges and unpredictable nature of the pandemic. There are still so many things for which to be thankful in 2021. Our families, our friends, our faith, and our freedom are a good place to start. Remembering these gifts, which can often be taken for granted, leads to giving thanks to the source of all of those blessings: God, our Creator. As we say in prayer, “you are Lord, the source of all goodness.”
Gratitude is a characteristic of a humble heart. It acknowledges that what we have we receive as gift from our loving God. Let us thank God today for the many gifts offered through his love and mercy and pray that our hearts are always open to the concerns of others. May we always respond to those needs with kindness and humility.