St. Peter the Fisherman Parish to hold Mass in memory of those who died while experiencing homelessness

St. Peter the Fisherman Parish invites parishioners and members of the community to gather at Holy Name of Jesus Church in Machias on Wednesday, November 8, at 6:30 p.m. to pray for those who died while homeless, whether on the streets, in shelters, or in hospitals.

“Please join us to honor their memory, to celebrate their lives, and to pray for them,” said Father Johnson Sacreties, HGN, pastor, who will preside at the Mass. The homeless are unseen, forgotten, invisible - in a word, lost - lost to a culture that is too busy to see them, too distracted to see them, or, too often, simply does not wish to see them.”

Maine has seen a surge in homelessness in recent years. A survey in January 2023 found more than 4,200 people experiencing homelessness, with many communities seeing an increase in people living on the streets since that time.

People attending the Mass in Machias are invited to bring an offering of winter hats, gloves, and scarves, which will be distributed to those in need.