In Lewiston, Bishop Deeley Becomes “Student for a Day” at St. Dom’s on Wednesday

LEWISTON---“Okay, let’s add the paint to the water, not the baby oil. I think that’s important.”
Bishop Deeley collaborated with his young colleagues in the kindergarten classroom, carefully following the instructions they’d been given that, successfully followed, would lead to a “blizzard in a jar.”
“Someone drop the Alka-Seltzer in. Who hasn’t had a turn yet?” the bishop asked his new friends.
Moments later, the jar of water, baby oil, paint, glitter, and Alka-Seltzer combined and produced a small, bubbly “storm.”
The project was one of many that Bishop Deeley took part in during his special visit to the elementary campus of Saint Dominic Academy in Lewiston on Wednesday, February 1 (many pictures below), one of the many highlights of the school’s celebration of Maine Catholic Schools Week.
The bishop made his stop at St. Dom’s on “red, white, and blue” day as patriotic signs and outfits were the orders of the day, as was Bishop Deeley’s participation as “Student for a Day.”
- In first grade, the bishop tried his hand at Bible bingo, coming up one spot short of victory when “David” or the “Ten Commandments” weren’t called in time.
- In second grade, Bishop Deeley joined the students in using marshmallows and toothpicks to design a standing object in a short period of time. Colton emerged as the top performer with a nine-inch construction.
- In third grade, it was the 99Math game that tests computation and facts, with the bishop and his teammate, Fr. Patrick Finn of Prince of Peace Parish in Lewiston, finishing up as most improved between games one and two.
- In fourth grade, the bishop squared off against the kids in a game of online Bible trivia and finished “neck and neck” with Gracelynn and Olena.
- In fifth grade, it was time for some geometry and art as the bishop and students created their own hexagons with their names as centerpieces.
And not to be left out, the pre-kindergartners welcomed Bishop Deeley to work with them on their large friendship tree which featured each of their handprints and pictures, with a picture of the bishop joining the tree today. Sister Francesca Silver, FSE, a campus minister at the academy, also added her handprint at the request of the children. Before departing, the bishop read If Jesus Lived Inside My Heart to the youngsters.
Also joining the bishop on his tour of the school were J.P. Yorkey, principal of the Lewiston campus; Marianne Pelletier, superintendent of Maine Catholic Schools; and Suzanne Lafreniere, director of public policy for the Diocese of Portland.
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